Paradise island
Do Do Camp
(Cù Lao Chàm)

Coastal Security Service  -  Sở Pḥng Vệ Duyên Hải.

In January 1964, at Da Nang, central Vietnam, along the South China Sea,
Coastal Security Service was founded and commanded by Major Ngo The Linh
with operational support and planning by MACV-SOG Maritime-Operation (OPLAN 34A)
to conduct top secret commandos raids to North Vietnam using high-speed boats.

Colonel Linh counter-part was the late Lieutenant Colonel Robert McKnight.

These commandos raids lead to the Gulf of Tonkin "incident" in August 1964.

The commandos were known as "Biet Hai" or Sea Commandos.
They were courageous volunteers whom had no fear of death,
willing to go at moment notice without reservation.

Biet Hai was a very highly trained, top-secret elite group of volunteers.
Many had perished in South China sea while attacking the North Vietnamese.

This page and Biet Hai website  serve to honor
these unknown fallen Heroes of  SPVZH/CSS.

Colonel Ngo The Linh commanded SPVZH until July 1966
then transferred to Vice Admiral Hồ Văn Kỳ Thoại.

My gratitude to Master Sergeant Kenneth Mancil, US Army, Retired
for providing these rare pictures of Paradise Island in 1967.
Rare, because of the top-secret nature of  CSS Mar-Op.

Letter from Master Sergeant Kenneth Mancil

Cù Lao Chàm (Paradise Island) by Master Sergeant Kenneth Mancil

Mặt trận Gươm Thiêng Ái Quốc và Thiên Đàng Đảo (Vietnamese)

visited Biet Hai pages


Bunker on beach

Camp Do Do, 1967

Swift patrol boat

Checking a fisherman

Beach area

Camp Do Do

Coconut trees

"Ong" (Mr.) Nhung

Living and working building

Do Do and South China sea

Operation and sleeping quarter

beach-front hut, Do Do island


Coastal Security Service - Sea Commandos

Tet (Chinese New Year) 1967 on Paradise island

Master Sergeant Kenneth Mancil and Captain Hoang Cong Kham


Major Grubbs (L) and SP4 Zeke (R)

Mancil and more friends

Tet celebration, 1967.

American and Vietnamese CSS personnel

Do Do Camp - Paradise Island in 1967
courtesy of Mr. Ron Kauffman

American MACSOG and CSS Personnel - Cu Lao Cham 1967.

I think the pig was purchased from the islanders.  Not sure.

The team house had been refurbished by a team of Phillipinos and Vietnamese Craftsmen.
They split bamboo for the trim and it was beautiful.
 The head man was named Sarabia and was a very nice guy.

Captain John Robbins and Ron Kauffman
 This may have been prior to our closing down operations-
 When the bombing of North Vietnam was halted; 
our operations North the the 17th Parallel were halted also.
We had a farewell party with our friends from CSS. 

This is some sort of celebration dinner - It was time to relax.

(Courtesy of Mr. Ron Kauffman )

Do Do Camp - Paradise Island in 2003
courtesy of Mr. Dick Clark wespac70




Việt Nam Cộng Ḥa Muôn Năm

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Xin vui ḷng lưu bút tưởng niệm đến các vị Anh Hùng của QLVNCH 
và các đồng bào nạn nhân đă bị cộng sản sát hại tại Huế.

Please visit and sign our guestbook to honor the ARVN Heoes

and to remember the thousands of civilians murdered in Hue City in 1968.


Memorial homepage


Liberation - Giải Phóng (pictures)


Tưởng Niệm CHT Sở Bắc

Tiễn biệt Cố Đại Tá Ngô Thế Linh

Biệt Hải - Sở Pḥng Vệ Duyên Hải

Nha Kỹ Thuật QLVNCH

Lịch Sử Nha Kỹ Thuật

Hoạt động của BK Sở Bắc tại Bắc Việt

Paradise island (Cù Lao Chàm)

Hoài cảm của T.70

Trường Vơ Khoa Thủ Đức

Oan hồn trên xứ Huế - Mậu Thân 1968

Cố Linh Mục Bửu Đồng

Tổng Thống Ngô Đ́nh Diệm
Tổng Thống Nguyễn Văn Thiệu
Tưởng niệm Cụ Trần Văn Hương

 Thiếu Tướng Nguyễn Khoa Nam

Thiếu Tướng Phạm Văn Phú
 Chuẩn Tướng Lê Văn Hưng

Chiến Dịch Vinh Danh Lá Cờ Vàng

Thuyền Nhân Tỵ Nạn Cộng Sản

50 Năm Tội Ác Cộng Sản (html)

A life for Freedom and Democracy

TAPS - Colonel Ngô Thế Linh

Sea Commandos - Coastal Security

Strategic Technical Directorate

History of Strategic Technical Directorate

Paradise island (Cù Lao Chàm)

Sacred Sword of the Patriots League

Presidential Unit Citation for SOG

An ARVN Hero by T.70

Thu Duc ARVN Military Officer Academy

Viet Cong "Strategy of Terror"

A Priest murdered in 1968

President Ngo Dinh Diem (54-63)

President Nguyen Van Thieu (67-75)

VN Coastal Raiders part 1, part 2, part3

The Lost Commandos (MACV-SOG)

MACV-SOG Commandos (RT Idaho)

Campaign for the Vietnamese Yellow Flag

Boat People tragedy

50 Years of VN Communist Crimes

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more pictures and articles will be added later.