Cố Trung Tướng Nguyễn Văn Thiệu
Cựu Tổng Thống Việt Nam Cộng Ḥa
President of The Repulic of Vietnam (1967-1975)
ARVN Commander-in-Chief
Funeral pictures of the former President of South Vietnam:
Lieutenant General Nguyễn Văn Thiệu (Boston, 10-05-2001)
Eulogy from former Prime Minister of South Vietnam
Điếu văn của Cựu Thủ Tướng Nguyễn Bá Cẩn
Điếu văn của đại diện Quân Lực Việt Nam Cộng Ḥa
Cựu Chuẩn Tướng Phan Ḥa Hiệp
Đôi lời vĩnh biệt cùng Tổng Thống Nguyễn Văn Thiệu
Vơ Duy Thưởng
Colonel Ngo The Linh and former President Nguyen Van Thieu
Santa Barbara, California, 1997.Many years after 1975, the two former RVN commanders still worked
to bring about Freedom, Democracy and Human Rights for Viet Nam.
Tuần Bách Nhật cho Cố Tổng Thống Nguyễn Văn Thiệu
(One hundred day after Death Memorial Ceremony
for former President Nguyen Van Thieu)
Tuần Bách Nhật Cố TT Đệ II VNCH Nguyễn Văn Thiệu
6/1/2002 tại Hội Trường American G.I. Forum, San Jose, CaliforniaNhớ lại Cố TT Đệ II VNCH Nguyễn Văn Thiệu
with President Johnson
visiting soldiers
(with General Toan)![]()
with President Johnson
with Robert McNamara![]()
President Nguyễn Văn Thiệu![]()
with Henry Kissinger
Letter from President Nixon to President Nguyen Van Thieu
of the Republic of Vietnam, January 5, 1973"The price of Peace" - No peace, no honor
Nixon, Kissinger and Betrayal in VietnamPresident's Nixon's Report On Vietnam (5-14-69)
(In my campaign for the Presidency, I pledged to end this war in a way that would increase
our chances to win true and lasting peace in South Vietnam, in the Pacific, and in the world.
I am determined to keep that pledge. If I fail to do so, I expect the American people
to hold me accountable for that failure.)Vietnam War, President Nixon speeches (11-3-69)
Vietnam's Allied: U.S. broken promise
Henry Kissinger and 1973 Nobel Peace Prize:
millions (and 58,000 American) died before 1975,
several hundred thousands died afterward.
Vietnam becomes one of the poorest country in the world.
U.S. Vietnam Veterans were being ignored, not honored.Nov. 2000: President Clinton enjoyed Pho soup in Saigon while
after 26 years, political prisoners, monks and priests still jailed and tortured!
Boston Globe (11/30/2000): Clinton lets down the Vietnamese once againSept. 2001:107th U.S.Congress House Resolution 2368 passed (410Y-1N-19NV)
to promote freedom and democracy in VietnamOct. 2001: U.S.Congress House Resolution 2833 is being ignored by the US Senate!
The Taliban, U.S. allied more than 10 years ago (supported by the CIA
with money, weapons and Stinger Missiles to fight the Russian) are now
the "enemy" after the September 11 attack of New York World Trade Center.
The Russia, former U.S. foe, is helping the U.S. to fight the Taliban.
How the world turns !!!
Việt Nam Cộng Ḥa Muôn Năm
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và các đồng bào nạn nhân đă bị cộng sản sát hại tại Huế.Please visit and sign our guestbook to honor the ARVN Heoes
and to remember the thousands of civilians murdered in Hue City in 1968.
since Memorial Day 1999
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