Long Live Việt Nam
You have never lived, until you have almost died.
For those who fight for it,
life has a flavor that the protected will never know!De Oppresso Liber.
Please sign Memorial Guestbook to honor the fallen soldiers and
those who sacrificed so much so that others may live in Freedom.
View archive: 2009, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000.
Thank You For Signing Memorial Guestbook
133. Name: Tom Manion
Hometown: Bellville, Ohio
Sent: 13.17 - wed 26 dec 2001Dear Hung,
I wish to offer my condolences to you and your family, and especially to SOG family. I still talk in my sleep to my great counterpart Nguyen Tam Vui. Vietnam 32 years later and all I realy remember are the really good and the really bad ones.
Your father was one of the good one.
God Speed Col. Ngo The Linh.Semper Fi
Tom Manion
K.C.S. C.O.R.D.S 66/67 RVN
132. Name: Tho Le
Hometown: Da Nang Viet-Nam
Sent: 18.21 - mon 10 dec 2001I lived and grew up in Da Nang city, the frontline of Viet Nam war. The war was over for more than 26 years, but the South Vietnam soldiers who sacrificed for Freedom of South Vietnam, are still in my heart. Today, I am fortunate to read the website of Hung Ngo (an U.C Berkeley graduate) and really admired his father who is a hero and a Special Force commanderwho had sacrificed so much for our country. Co Dai Ta Ngo The Linh was the commander of my cousin's uncle Do Trong Thanh. He was in the Special Force Army and spent 22 years in the communist prison in North Viet Nam. Thanks to all of you who served and died for my country.
131. Name: Hoang Thi Thanh Canh
Homepage: https://www.angelfire.com/ks/canhhoang
Hometown: Da-Nang, Viet-Nam
Sent: 01.49 - fri 30 nov 2001You did not fight in vain because I can still wave the Yellow and Three Red Stripe flag in the wind today.
Co Dai Uy Hoang Cong Kham, Co Dai Ta Ngo The Linh, and all the heroes like you.
You have never died.
You will live in me forever.
130. Name: Jamshed Khan
Hometown: San Jose, California
Sent: 00.37 - thu 22 nov 2001Viet Nam will yet emerge as a great nation for all the sacrifices that heroes like Colonel Ngo The Linh have made for the great country of Viet Nam.
God and Nature favor the brave.
And Viet Nam is synonymous with bravery.I have had the great good fortune to known Colonel Ngo The Linh's son Mr. Hung Ngo, as a classfellow at UC Berkeley, and then as a good friend for over twenty years now. And I can attest without a moment's hesitation, that the Colonel produced and raised a strong, brave, and excellent family.
May Colonel Ngo's soul rest in everlasting peace!
129. Name: Phuc Tam Nguyen
Hometown: South Australia
Sent: 15.19 - thu 1 nov 2001Xin chân thành gởi đến ḷng ngưỡng mộ, đối với Niên Trưởng Cựu Đại Tá Ngô Thế Linh. Chúng tôi là những CSVSQ Thủ Đức, sẽ học hỏi theo gương của Niên Trưởng.
Paying respect and admiration to Senior Thu Duc Officer Colonel Ngo The Linh. We, the former Thu Duc Military Officer Cadets, will learn and follow your footsteps.
128. Name: Tien Vu
Hometown: Virginia, USA
Sent: 11.17 - mon 29 oct 2001Cám ơn người chiến sĩ đă chiến đấu cho sự sinh tồn của nước Việt Nam.
Thank you soldier for fighting for the survival of South Viet Nam.
127. Name: Jim Meade
Hometown: Sydney, Australia
Sent: 20.40 - mon 15 oct 2001Well done - heroes one and all. I am so sorry that my countrymen didn't have what it takes to support you the way we should have.
126. Name: Giuse_Phan Khoa
Hometown: Viet Nam
Sent: 10.48 - tue 25 sep 2001Tôi không biết ǵ về cố Đại tá NGÔ THẾ LINH nhưng tôi nghĩ anh là một anh hùng. Tôi rất mong quốc gia chúng ta sẽ có nhiều anh hùng như cố Đại tá. Tôi cũng xinh chuyển đến gia quyến của cố Đại tá lời chia buồn chân thành nhất! Kính!
Giuse-Phan Khoa
(một người ỏ quê nhà)I never knew Colonel NGO THE LINH but I think that you are a Hero. I wish that our country will have more heroes like the Colonel. I also would like to send my upmost sincere condolences to the Colonel's family. Respectfully,
Giuse-Phan Khoa,
(a fellow countryman signing from Viet Nam)
125. Name: Randy Miller
Hometown: Taft, CA
Sent: 15.58 - fri 14 sep 2001Was a strange time, for a young enlisted man, so far away from home, in an outfit that was super secret. I never knew why I was there other than to work on the PTF's from Sept 66-Apr 67. Now so many years later the truth is coming out. I realize that I have a lot of brothers out there, American and Vietnamese, that need the recognition that they deserve. BSU still lives from it's original inception to the Special Boat Units of today.
Great site, Thanks.
124. Name: Son Tu
Hometown: Fremont, CA
Sent: 10.01 - fri 7 sep 2001Much respect to the hero - Colonel NGO THE LINH.
123. Name: Kenneth Mancil
Hometown: Petersburg, Virginia
Sent: 16.53 - wed 5 sep 2001Colonel Ngo The Linh will always be remembered for his great contribution to his country. He will never be forgotten by any of us who participated in the struggle in Viet Nam. I served with SOG at Camp Dodo from Dec. '66 - Dec '67.
Master Sergeant (Retired) Kenneth Mancil
1967 Paradise Island pictures
122. Name: Siegfried Herbst
Homepage: http://www.parachutes.de
Hometown: Germany
Sent: 20.29 - fri 3 aug 2001With great recognition and greetings from Germany.
121. Name: Helene Buu Lam
Hometown: Utah (USA)
Sent: 15.45 - thu 2 aug 2001Xin kính cẫn nghiêng ḿnh trước anh linh Cố Đại Tá Ngô Thế Linh, cùng tất cả những chiến binh thuộc Sở Liên Lạc và Sở Công Tác, đă âm thầm hy sinh cho lư tưởng Tự Do và Chính Nghĩa Quốc Gia. Chúng tôi những người tuổi trẻ Việt Nam tại hải ngoại sẽ luôn luôn ghi nhớ sự hy sinh vô bờ bến ấy. Cầu xin hương linh Đại Tá sống măi trong hồng ân Thiên Chúa.
Respectfully paying tribute to Colonel Ngo The Linh, and to all of the Special Missions Service and Liaison Service Commandos - who in total secrecy made selfless sacrifice for Freedom and Democracy for Vietnam. We, the younger generation, will always remember your tremendous sacrifice. We pray that The Colonel's soul will rest in Heavenly Peace.
120. Name: Col. Mike Haas
Hometown: Incline Village, Nevada
Sent: 20.47 - wed 1 aug 2001I am pleased to see the Sea Commandos receiving acknowledgement for their heroism and sacrifice. I hope to include a story of their actions in a book I am now writing.
119. Name: Matthew Tran-d-P
Hometown: Vietnam (Doc-so / Hue), USA (Houston)
Sent: 20.06 - tue 31 jul 2001Kính thưa Đại Tá.
Kễ từ khi rời bỏ Quê-Hương (1975) v́ nạn CS, được biết là Đại Tá cư-ngụ tại San Jose, muốn liên-lạc để thăm hỏi vấn-an, nhưng chưa có dịp ... thế rồi hung tin phổ biến: Đại Tá đă vĩnh-viễn ra di. Tôi tự cảm thấy ḷng đau như cắt !!! Tuy là đă phục-vụ cùng một Ngành nhưng không cùng một đơn-vị, nhưng mối giao-t́nh luôn luôn tốt đẹp. Nhớ lại những lúc họp bạn quanh bàn "xi`fe'", thắng bại ǵ Đại Tá cũng vui vẻ. Vào năm 1992-1994, tôi có dịp về thăm Quê-Hương, có ghé vào Cư-xá Sĩ Quan Chí-Ḥa, đă có dịp đi ngang qua tư-thất cũ của Đại Tá. Cănh th́ c̣n đó nhưng Bạn tri-âm th́ đă di-cư qua Mỹ từ lâu. Bạn bè mỗi ngày mỗi giảm dần v́ tuỗi tác càng cao. Chúng tôi, hễ mỗi lần có dịp liên-lạc qua điện-thoại, thể nào cũng nhắc nhở đến Đại Tá, người bạn cố-tri vui tính, hiền ḥa.
Nhưng thưa Đại Tá, ư Thiên Chúa nhiệm mầu, Ngài làm những điều mà Thế-gian không thể hiểu được. Nhân dịp này, tôi cầu xin Ngài sớm đưa Đại Tá về yên nghĩ ở "Cơi Vĩnh Phúc", chắc chắn thế nào Đại Tá cũng sẽ gặp lại những người bạn thân thương của ḿnh như Đại Tá Tung, Thiếu Tá Triệu, v.v... Tôi chắc chắn những Vị này đang giang rộng hai tay để đón Đại Tá. Thế nào rồi ngày Chúa gọi cũng sẽ đến. Tôi mong mơi sẽ gặp lại Đại Tá ở nơi "yên-nghĩ đời đời "....
Matthew Tran-d-Ph.... (Khóa 4 Thủ Đức)
TB : Cho tôi gởi lời thân-thương đến kính thăm Chị và toàn đại-gia-đ́nh ...
Dear Colonel,
Since leaving Vietnam to escape communist retribution, after learning that you had settled in San Jose, I tried to get in touch but have not had a chance when we heard the sad news that you have passed away. My heart aches and fills with great sorrow! Even though we served together in Special Forces, not in the same unit, but our relation was always good. I remember the times we got together playing poker, win or lose, you were always in good spirit. In 1992-1994, I had a chance to visit Vietnam, and came to Chi Hoa Officer Complex. We saw your old home. Every thing was still there, but you, our best friend, had moved away to America. The few friends we have, many are slowly going away with old age. When had a chance to talk to each other, we always mentioned you, the best friend we have.
Dear Colonel, God has his plan for all of us. He works in a mysterious way. God speed to you, and give you rest in Heavenly Peace. I am certain that you would meet many good friends, Colonel Le Quang Tung, Major Le Quang Trieu, etc.. Certainly, they are welcoming you with arms opened wide. I long to be able to meet you again in Heaven.
Matthew Tran-d-Ph.... (Thu Duc Military Officer, Class 4, 1954)
PS: Please send my best regards to Colonel Ngo The Linh's family
118. Name: Sheila Richardson
Homepage: http://rvn1.tripod.com/RVN-MARINES/
Hometown: Calgary Alberta, Canada
Sent: 20.20 - sun 29 jul 2001Today I visited the Moving Wall in Bellevue Washington. I looked up a comrade's name on the Wall the name of a pro football player. I reflected on how fortunate that other people are not looking up my name on the Wall and that for me, the war is over and the cost of the war is over. Then I thought of my co-worker who died of Agent Orange last year. The war wasn't over for him and its not over for me.
Sempter Fi
117. Name: Jari Salo
Hometown: Seinajoki, Finland
Sent: 16.43 - sun 29 jul 2001I'd like to salute all veterans, and those who died for freedom. God Bless Them All !!!
116. Name: Samuel Singletary
Hometown: Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Sent: 21.33 - thu 26 jul 2001Served in Vietnam as a young Black American Soldier, in 1966 and 1968 with the 5th Special Forces, and 82nd Airborne Divison. I salute all those brave men who died in combat and in service to freedom.
115. Name: Richard Jones
Hometown: Flagstaff, Arizona
Sent: 20.31 - thu 26 jul 2001Hello,
I am a student of military history, and I am quite interested in the US Navy SEALS, UDT, and the LDNN as they served in Vietnam. I have little knowledge of the Vietnamese "Sea Commandos", but I am interested in their history as well as these other units. The best of luck with your website.
Richard Jones
114. Name: David Ekdahl
Sent: 14.08 - thu 19 jul 2001A great tribute to your father and best wishes to your family.
113. Name: Nguyen Huu Duc
Hometown: 591 Manzano Street, Milpitas
Sent: 17.23 - wed 18 jul 2001Thành kính nghiêng ḿnh trước vong linh của Bác. Ước mơ ngày về lại Việt Nam của bác sẽ được thực hiện một ngày không xa bởi những người VN yêu nước, bởi các anh đàn em của Bác - những người chiến sĩ hào hùng.
Respectfully paying tribute to Colonel Ngo The Linh. We hope that your wish of going back to a free Viet Nam will soon be realized by many Vietnamese patriots, by your soldiers, the heroic commandos.
112. Name: Mats Arhov
Hometown: Vaxjo, Sweden
Sent: 14.54 - fri 6 jul 2001My respect and my regards to all who did the hard work that I can draw use of when I have done mine. I have never seen combat and I´m okay with that, but I have done some "keeni meeni" work so I do understand that things can get a bit tight. I salute you and your warriors and with respect I´m glad that I was not there.
I was too young, but also I don´t want to know, I think. At the same time I do want to know now, because it's going to be my job and I want to learn from the experience from these exceptional men that has gone before us, and seen it, done it, been there and got a t-shirt for the trouble.
My RESPECT and may your comrades find peace.
111. Name: Le Tran Ai Quoc
Hometown: Melbourne, Australia
Sent: 01.40 - thu 5 jul 2001May the deeds and memories of Col Ngo The Linh live forever in the hearts of those who long for a free and democratic Viet Nam. There is much more to be done to achieve freedom and in the process we must remind future generations of Vietnamese of Colonel Ngo The Linh's heroic services to our beloved country.
Congratulation on your your site and may this serve as a great foundation to the testimony of a truly great man!
110. Name: Mike Leonard
Hometown: New York City
Sent: 10.55 - mon 2 jul 2001Gentlemen, Absolutely outstanding!!!
109. Name: Loan Nguyen
Hometown: Portland, Oregon
Sent: 12.36 - wed 20 jun 2001Xin kính lời biết ơn đến Đại Tá đă không ngần ngại nguy hiểm để phục vụ một đơn vị tối mật của QLVNCH, băn thân của tôi đến ngày hôm nay vẫn c̣n mê say đơn vị Lôi Hổ, mà trước đây ba tôi có đến viếng thăm nhiều và mang về các h́nh ảnh và tôi đă xâm vào thân tôi. Chức vụ cuối cùng của tôi là Sĩ Quan Ban 4 kiêm Phó Trại Đặc Khu Côn Sơn và ba tôi là TMP Nhân Viên Bộ TTM.
Xin kính chào trước chân dung của Đại Tá.
Loan - Khóa 7/73 Long Thành - TBBSQ Thủ Đức.Paying respect and appreciation for the Colonel for courageously commanded the top-secret unit of ARVN. I myself even today still dream of being a Thunder Tiger commando, the units that my Dad had visited many times and brought back many heroic pictures that I will never forget. My last function was Officer 4th Branch and Vice Commander of Con Son.
Respectfully salute the Colonel,
Loan - Officer Class 7/73 at Long Thanh - Officer Academy Thu Duc.
108. Name: Lori Belmont
Hometown: Hamilton
Sent: 09.47 - wed 20 jun 2001My brother is Tom Waskovich. I am extremely proud of him.
Ngo Xuan Hung's note: An American War Hero:
SOG Missions and Thomas Waskovich received Presidential Unit Citation Award, April 2001.
107. Name: DAM, SANH
Homepage: http://only.at/mykhe
Hometown: Da-Nang , My-Khe
Sent: 19.00 - mon 18 jun 2001Hôm nay đến viếng Anh, nhân ngày Quân Lực - 19 tháng Sáu, 2001, và đốt lên đây một nén nhang ḷng đễ tưởng nhớ đến Bậc Niên Trưởng đáng kính. Chúng ta chỉ mới thua trận đầu của cuộc chiến.
Today I visit you, on the occasion of ARVN Day June 19, to pay tribute and remembering a very respectable Senior Officer. We have only lost the first battle of our fight - for Freedom and Democracy for Viet Nam.
106. Name: Vu-Dinh-Hieu
Sent: 14.09 - thu 7 jun 2001It's fascinated about the STD/SOG. Hieu
105. Name: Kelly Nguyen
Sent: 07.36 - mon 4 jun 20011st time visit
104. Name: Tommy Daniels
Homepage: http://www.montagnards.org
Hometown: Brevard, NC
Sent: 02.10 - sun 3 jun 2001I had the honor of meeting several of the STD Commandos who were our guests at a recent Special Operations Association Reunion (SOAR) in Las Vegas. They are very exceptional men whose service, dedication, and suffering in the fight for freedom are an immense inspiration.
Your website is a fitting tribute to them and the leadership of a fine officer, Colonel Ngo The Linh.
103. Name: Sheila L Richardson
Homepage: http://rvn1.tripod.com/RVN-MARINES/
Hometown: Calgary Alberta now Bellingham Washington
Sent: 02.02 - sat 2 jun 2001I recently had the privlege of meeting the Seattle area members of the lost commandos. They were recruited by the CIA and later by MACV/SOG. Many were captured and put in prison for many years. They are very brave men.
102. Name: Dana Lee Twaddle
Hometown: Mt. Pleasant, PA 15666
Sent: 09.48 - mon 28 may 2001Having had the opportunity to meet a few MACV-SOG in my time - I've heard much good about your father.
101. Name: Luu Kim Ngan
Hometown: San Jose, CA
Sent: 21.23 - wed 23 may 2001Cảm ơn Đại Tá Ngô Thế Linh đă hiến dâng đời ḿnh bảo vệ Tổ Quốc.
Thành Kính,
Lưu Kim NgânThank you Colonel Ngo The Linh for dedicating your life serving our Nation.
Luu Kim Ngan
100. Name: Peter M. Curtin
Hometown: Chula Vista CA
Sent: 19.44 - tue 15 may 2001I was assigned to USNAD MST-DaNang from Feb 66 through Sept 66. The men of CSS were brave fighters.
Hung Ngo:CSS also known as So Phong Ve Duyen Hai was commanded by Colonel Linh to insert spies and launch commandos to North Vietnam for sabortage, attack missions, and to capture NVN officers.
99. Name: James D. Gray
Homepage: http://www.ptfnasty.com/ptfGray.html
Hometown: Covina, California
Sent: 19.45 - fri 4 may 2001Sir, I have contributed to the PTF web page by Dan Withers and found your link. I feel it is wonderful that both our cultures can get together for we were indeed brothers in war. Your site is the best I have seen. I am glad that its no longer classified info for it always weighed heavy on the soul.
I am a retired Master Chief Gunnermate from BSU-1 (now called Special Boat Squadron One), and served on PTFs and my favorite was a Osprey class PTF number 24. Much of the Photos, and Boat manuals on Dan's site are from my Collection. If I can assist you in any way please contact me.
Yours is a truely remarkable site and a breath of fresh air for the shadow warriors.
Very Respectfully,
Jim Gray
98. Name: NVS
Homepage: http://danang.vietmedia.com/donggiang/
Sent: 18.48 - wed 2 may 2001THÀNH KÍNH TRI ÂN...CHIẾN SĨ ANH HÙNG. QLVNCH.
Sincere gratitude and appreciation to our HEROES of the Armed Forces of Republic of Viet Nam.
HungNgo: My Khe - Da Nang aka China Beach was the place the US Marines first laned in 1965 hence the beginning of many US-Vietnamese secret SOG bases to launch attack missions to North Vietnam and along ho chi minh trail in Laos.
97. Name: Dr. Bruce Rusty Lang, MD
Homepage: http://teamhouse.tni.net/pantleg.html
Hometown: Dallas, (now in Miami Beach)
Sent: 13.15 - wed 2 may 2001Congratulations to all SOG operators on being awarded your US Presidential Unit Citation on April 4th. It is good, and it is very humbling to be counted among you. I appreciate your honorable service, the blood you've shead, and your other personal sacrifices more than most will ever understand. Sincerely,
Rusty - RT Mississippi, Command & Control North, MACV-SOG, 1971
96. Name: Siegfried Herbst, HAHO/HALO Instructor
Homepage: http://www.parachutes.de
Hometown: Germany
Sent: 10.58 - sun 29 apr 2001Next week I am in Italy at the Special Forces for the HAHO training. The troop wants to convert the German high performance system. Please see the information under www.parachutes.de. Would this be also possible in Vietnam?
Blue sky
95. Name: Han
Hometown: New Jersey, USA
Sent: 11.32 - wed 25 apr 2001Cầu chúc cho nước Việt Nam có thêm những Anh Hùng yêu nước như Đại Tá Ngô Thế Linh.
Wishing that Vietnam will have more Heroes and Patriots like Colonel Ngo The Linh.
94. Name: Hai Minh Tran
Sent: 09.02 - tue 24 apr 2001Thành thật tri ân Đại Tá Ngô Thế Linh và Nha Kỹ Thuật đă đóng góp xương máu cho Tổ Quốc Dân Tộc Việt Nam. Nếu có tin tức ǵ mới, xin gởi cho tôi. Rất cám ơn.
Our sincere gratitude to Colonel Ngo The Linh and Strategic Technical Directorate for the great sacrifice in serving the Republic of Viet Nam. If you have any new information, please forward it to me. Thank you
93. Name: Dennis Pelliccia
Homepage: http://community.webtv.net/ospro/ArtistDennis
Hometown:Grants Pass, Oregon
Sent: 23.23 - fri 20 apr 2001Thank you for inviting me to your web site. I wish to say hello to all my friends and buddies who served in Vietnam...and yes ! " God Bless America " 174th AHC Duc Pho, July 1967 to July 1968.
Dolphin 282
92. Name: Robert H. Stoner, GMCM (SW) [Ret]
Hometown: Rockford, Illinois
Sent: 09.51 - thu 19 apr 2001I did my PTF training on PTF-13 with BSU-1, NAB Coronado,in March 1970. I deployed with MST-2, Det C, at Nam Can [SEA FLOAT/SOLID ANCHOR] from May to December 1970. We supported three SEAL Team ONE platoons. Spent 1972 through 1976 training on PTF-17, -18, and -19 at NavSta Great Lakes, Illinois.
All we ever knew about the OP34A raids from Da Nang was bits and pieces from the conversations of MST folks who served on the PTFs there. I'm glad you've provided this valuable information on your website.
91. Name: James S Thomas
Hometown: Monks Corner, South Carolina
Sent: 08.09 - mon 16 apr 2001I was one of the first to set up the lower base in Feb 1964. The only boat's there at the time was Swifts 1, 2, 3 and two Junks, then PTF's 3 and 4 came and later PTF's 1 and 2, next was the floating dry-dock and the crane barge arrived. I went back in 1965, 1966 to NAD, MST-1 Da Nang. 1970 was onboard USS Asheville PG 84 out of Cam Ranh Bay,1971 was with MST-2 out of Ben Luc running boats for SEAL TEAM 1, Mike Platoon.
Jim Thomas
90. Name: Bill Brooks
Homepage: http://www.brooksmilitaria.com
Sent: 18.09 - sun 15 apr 2001Tres bon travail camarade !!!
Very good work comrade !!!
89. Name: Kiet & Thuy Nguyen
Hometown: 11406 SE 264th PL, Kent, Wa 98031
Sent: 17.13 - thu 12 apr 2001Your website is excellent Hung! Thank you for your efforts to express our RVN Armed Forces, especially STD.
A comrade in arms. Kiet & Thuy Nguyen and family.
88. Name: Jim Ringland
Homepage: http://hometown.aol.com/ccnccc/myhomepage/index.html
Hometown: Bradenton, Florida (currently in Missouri)
Sent: 08.09 - wed 11 apr 2001I wish all of you well. I served as the original 10 of RT New Jersey, in 1967, at FOB1, and later served a second tour with FOB2, departing RVN in November of 1969.... Take care, stay safe, keep smiling, and happy hunting.... Ringo
87. Name: Bruce Mallick
Hometown: Florence, SC
Sent: 09.56 - mon 9 apr 2001I often wonder what happened to my counterpart. I was a Diacey (Cpt) at that time and had a Mobile RF Bn. for all of III CORPS.
86. Name: Jari Salo
Hometown: Seinajoki, Finland
Sent: 02.50 - mon 9 apr 2001These pages are just great, thanks. I am a 40 years old father of 3 daughters, ages 6, 8 and 12 from Finland. I salute all SF people who have been there and still are there doing their duty. I am sorry that in Finland here is absolutely no material available concerning the Vietnam conflict, but I have managed to get something from people who were there fighting back then. I pay tribute to your Father as well as to other veterans.
God Bless Them All ! God Bless The USA!
85. Name: Paul Bear Bryant
Hometown: Florida
Sent: 01.19 - mon 9 apr 2001Chris, thank you for such a tribute to your father and the great work he did for his country. It's men like him that worked so hard for mankind to enjoy freedom.
I had the distinct pleasure of working with part of his organization, and will never forget his unselfish ways and attention to duty. He was a fine soldier. I know he would be proud of your tribute in his honor.
De Oppresso Liber.
84. Name: Peter Watchman
Hometown: Sunderland England
Sent:04.47 - thu 5 apr 2001Hello Chris, it was a pleasure meeting you in Las Vegas. Good Luck next time.
83. Name: Nguyen Bac Ai
Hometown: Portland Oregon
Sent: 20.06 - wed 4 apr 2001Hùng Em,
Hơn một năm nay anh không có một lời nào trong Guestbook của em không phải v́ anh không muốn nhưng v́ mỗi lần nghĩ đến Ba của em anh không t́m được những hàng chử hay lời lẽ để diễn tả những ǵ ba em đă làm. Một tấm gương sáng cho tất cả chúng ta những người Việt Nam yêu quê hương và ṇi giống không bao giờ quên trách nhiệm, bổn phận ḿnh là dân tộc Việt.
Ba của anh đă trả một giá rất đắt cho giấc mơ giải phóng miền Bắc năm 1963. Khi sang đây 1997 việc đầu tiên là t́m cách liên lạc với Ba em. Nhưng khi biết tin th́ đă trể. Anh đă theo gót chân của Ba anh và phục vụ trong NKT từ 1968 đến 1972 trong thời gian này Ba em không bao giờ biết anh là con của ai. Nhưng những lần về Long Thành huấn luyện Ba em đă giúp đở cũng như có những lời nói mà anh sẽ ghi nhớ trong ḷng suốt cuộc đời c̣n lại.
Giờ đây thế hệ của anh và em phải có bổn phận đi tiếp đoạn đường của Cha Ông đă đi qua và để lại cho chúng ta. Anh c̣n rất nhiều để nói, anh sẽ dành lại khi em lên thăm Ba anh để anh em ḿnh tâm sự.
Chúc Em thành công trên mọi lănh vực.
Dear brother Hung,
For more than a year now, I visited but have not written in this Guestbook because every time I think of your Father I could not find word to adequately express everything He had done. He was a shinning example for all Vietnamese patriots who love our Country and our People and would never forget our responsibilities as Vietnamese.
My Dad had paid a very high price for the dream of liberating North Vietnam from communist oppression (when he went on mission to North Vietnam) in 1963. In 1997, when my Dad came to the US, the first thing he did was to find your Father. Sadly, when he found him, your Father had just passed away.
I followed my Dad's footsteps (becoming a commando) and served in Strategic Technical Directorate (Special Missions Service - SMS Commandos). During this time your Father did not know whose son I was. However, every time I went back to Bearcat camp (Long Thanh) for training, your Father had helped me as well as spoke to us many patriotic words that I will remember for the rest of my life.
Now it is up to our generation, you and me, to carry out our responsibilities and follow our Fathers' footsteps and examples they set for us. I have many things to say to you personally but I will save it until we meet when you have a chance to come and visit my Dad. We will have many things to share.
I wish you success in all your endeavors.
Hung's note: Mr. Nguyen Bac Ai was a SMS Commandos ('68-'72) then transferred to Marine Corp ('72-'75). His Dad, Mr. Nguyen Nhon Duc was Bull Team Leader who went on mission to Ha Tinh (North Vietnam) in 1963. He was captured, tortured and jailed for 20 years. Mr. Nguyen Nhon Duc came from the same province as Colonel Ngo The Linh, had courageously led commando team under Colonel Ngo at Special Branch, Northern Service (So Bac), Presidential Liaisons Office. https://ngothelinh.tripod.com/missions.html
82. Name: SOUVENIR S.A.S Special Air Service Association
Homepage: http://www.souvenirsas.fr.st/
Hometown: FRANCE
Sent: 11.32 - wed 4 apr 2001A Site dedicated to a great and proud Officer and a Fine man. Remember him with his family and his friends. Old Soldier never die...
S.A.S. Commander Cdt Major JP BENAVENTE
81. Name: Dan
Homepage: http://www.ptfnasty.com
Hometown: Port Ludlow, WA
Sent: 08.03 - wed 4 apr 2001Thanks for the invitation to link to your page. It is very informative source of history. Through our other pages we hope to keep alive the history of the PTF, Swift and PBRs at www.combatantcraft.org. Keep up the great work. Regards,
Dan Withers - www.ptfnasty.com
80. Name: Dang Quynh
Hometown: Westminster, CA
Sent: 23.19 - mon 2 apr 2001Dear Hung,
You're doing a magnificent job as a Son to your Dad and I'm sure that you can carry out his legacy without a doubt. By reading this web page, my sons learned a lot from you. Thanks. I wish to offer my condolences to you and your family, and especially to SOG family. If time's rolled back...and I've to decide what to do all over again.Sure I would go right back to the 219th Helicopter Squadron to work together with SOG's because we were good at teamwork!
Days and nights, Airmen of the 219th Sqdn and SOG's members did have the same missions, same feelings, same situations. We lived in the same base, ate at the same messhall, and often died together at the same LZ but we were happy because we were working with SOG's outstanding soldiers and the outstanding Commander: Colonel Ngo The Linh.
DQuynh- Capt. 219th Air Squadron, Danang- Nhatrang
Hung Ngo: for more info on 219 Air Squadron, please go to: http://www.scarface-usmc.org/Kingbee.htm
79. Name: John Wise
Hometown:San Jose, CA
Sent: 09.31 - sun 1 apr 2001Christopher,
It was great meeting you yesterday on the flight back from Las Vegas. I enjoyed our talk and viewing this touching tribute to your father. It is good to know that honor and respect for real heros has not died. Your fathers true legacy is his children. I wish you and your family well in carying out his legacy. Keep up the good fight!
78. Name: Nghe Ba Le
Hometown: Milpitas
Sent: 19.04 - thu 22 mar 2001Mr. Hung Ngo, "Hổ Phụ Sinh Hổ Tử", Tiger male produces tiger cub. I think that you are truely a next generation who will carry out your father's dream.
77. Name: Betty & Dean Boxberger
Hometown: Russell, Kansas
Sent:00.58 - fri 16 mar 2001Dear Christopher,
Your website and the work you are doing to help people are very special ways to honor your Father and Mother. We are in awe of all the years your Father gave and the wonderful work he did for his country, his people, and his family through his lifetime. You have so much interesting information on your site. We've enjoyed learning more about your Dad. We feel honored to have known him for the short time we did and to now know his family. We're sure he would be very proud of you and your work.
Betty & Dean Boxberger
76. Name: Chau Phan
Hometown: San Jose, California
Sent: 22.43 - thu 15 mar 2001Xin cầu chúc bác Linh yên nghĩ trong Chúa cả cuộc đời phục vụ Tổ Quốc, Giáo Hội, và người Việt Nam.
May Colonel Linh rest in Heavenly Peace after serving our country, the church, and the people of Viet Nam.
75. Name: Nguyen cao Thang
Hometown: San Jose, CA
Sent:11.52 - mon 12 mar 2001Cám ơn anh Hùng đă cho biết về website này nhân dịp gặp anh tại cuộc biểu t́nh chống văn công Việt cộng tại Marriot Hotel ngày 3/11/01. Sau khi đọc các tài liệu này, tôi rất khâm phục tấm ḷng quả cảm củă các Chiến Sĩ Việt Nam Cộng Ḥa đă quên thân ḿnh để phục vụ tổ quốc Việt Nam. Cám ơn Đại Tá Ngô Thế Linh đă hiến dâng đời ḿnh để bảo vệ Tổ Quốc. Thành kính.
Nguyễn Cao Thắng.Thank you Hung for introducing me this website when we met at the protest against Vietnamese communist propaganda performance at Marriot Hotel on 3/11/01 at 6PM. After reading these articles and seeing the pictures, I have more respect and appreciation for our ARVN soldiers who selflessly sacrificed to serve our Motherland. Thank you Colonel Ngo The Linh for living your life to protect and serve our Nation. Respectfully,
Nguyen Cao Thang
74. Name: Hoang nhu Son
Hometown: san jose
Sent: 11.15 - sun 11 mar 2001I miss Colonel NGO THE LINH so much.
73. Name: Benjamin
Hometown: San Jose, CA, USA
Sent: 15.46 - tue 27 feb 2001Trước đây tôi chỉ biết Bác Ngô Thế Linh là bạn rất thân của Ba tôi. Anh chị em tôi rất quư mến Bác. Qua homepage của Bác tôi được thấy rơ hơn quá khứ hào hùng của Bác. Bây giờ, ngoài sự quư mến chúng tôi c̣n có thêm phần kính phục Bác và tự hào Ba tôi đă có một người bạn như vậy.
I only know that Colonel Ngo The Linh was a very close friend of our Dad before. My brothers, sisters and I hold him in highest regard. But through His Memorial website, I have known more about his heroic past and service. We now respect him even more and are so proud that our Dad has such a friend.
72. Name: Pham Hoa
Homepage: http://loihovn.tripod.com
Hometown: Los Angeles, California
Sent: 12.02 - sat 24 feb 2001Tro lai Trang Nha cua Dai Ta Ngo The Linh, that la mot hanh dien cho mot Don Vi Hao Hung, va Hanh Dien cho toan the QLVNCH. Nhung dong gop cua quy vi da noi len cho tat ca 58,000 Chien Binh Hoa Ky va 250,000 Chien Binh QLVNCH va hang trieu Dong Bao cua chung ta da Hy Sinh. Chac han ho rat vui khi thay nhung nguoi con song tiep tuc doan duong Ho da di qua, va se tiep tuc cho den khi hoan thanh .
Dat nuoc Viet Nam se Phu Cuong , Dan Toc Viet Nam se Hanh Dien khi da co nhung nguoi con Hy Sinh, va gin giu que huong, 26 nam doi voi doi nguoi tuy dai, nhung doi voi dat nuoc rat la ngan ngui.
Kinh Xin Anh Linh cua nhung Anh Hung Quan Luc Viet Nam Cong Hoa, nhung Chien Si Dong Minh, va Dong Bao cua chung toi, luon phu tro cho anh em chung toi di tron doan duong day chong gai va Viet Nam Cong Hoa se mai Vang Danh tren toan the gioi.
71. Name: Van Doan
Hometown: Hannover-Germany
Sent: 16.29 - thu 22 feb 2001Toi da duoc doc o day ve Dai Viet. Toi la sinh vien du hoc tu Saigon qua day tu 1967. Cam on cac anh dang da dong gop cho dat nuoc va dan toc va xin ton kinh cac Anh Hung da hy sinh cho to quoc.
I came across this site from Dai Viet website.I was a student who left Saigon in 1967 to study in Germany. Thank you Dai Viet for your contribution to our country and our people. Paying respect and honor to all heroes who made sacrifice for our ancestral land.
Van Doan
Schaufelder Str. 21, 30167 Hannover, Germany
Tel.0049511 7011615 - Fax 0049511 703565
70. Name: Lan Lu
Hometown: Falls Church, Virginia
Sent: 10.13 - tue 20 feb 2001Mỗi lần nhắc đến Đại Tá Ngô Thế Linh, tôi không thể quên thời c̣n cấp úy cùng nhau phục vụ ở liên đoàn lưu động 21, ở đệ nhị quân khu vùng giới tuyến. Sau hiệp định Geneve, liên đoàn lưu động chúng tôi lănh trọng trách chủ lực vào tiếp thu miền Nam tỉnh Quảng Nam, phía nam sông Thu Bồn. Nói là tiếp thu nhưng viet cộng đă đầu độc dư luận và xúi dục dân chúng đấu tranh trực diện, mong tạo xung đột với binh sĩ ta.
Trung Úy Ngô Thế Linh thời đó là một sĩ quan t́nh báo mới vào nghề nhưng vô cùng bén nhạy và tinh thông về tâm lư quần chúng, nên đă nhanh chóng tạo được nhiều mạn lưới tin tức trong đại chúng vùng mới tiếp thu, đem về cho bộ chỉ huy chiến dinh nhiều mưu mô dự tính của đối phương, giúp cho bộ chỉ huy tiếp thu B́nh Định vùng Quảng Nam nắm vững t́nh h́nh, lường trước dựơc mọi âm mưu gây loạn của địch. Nhờ đó không mấy chốc, đại đa số quần chúng đă từ thái độ thù nghịch trở thành thân thiện với binh sĩ ta .
Tôi c̣n nhớ những buổi chiều hai anh em chúng tôi nhảy lên xe jeep, chạy xuyên qua những thôn xóm, nh́n được ánh mắt nụ cười từ những ngựi mới hôm qua c̣n nghi ngại chúng tôi. Từng nhóm thiếu nhi chạy theo reo ḥ sau xe chúng tôi, chúng tôi ngừng lại cho các em lên xe chạy một ṿng qua làng ....
(Cựu Thiếu Tướng Lữ Lan)
Major General Lu Lan
(Commander of 2nd Military Region, ARVN):Each time I remember Colonel Ngo The Linh, I can't forget the time we were Captain and Second Lieutenant serving together at Mobile Brigade 21, Second Military Region near De-Militarized Zone. After Geneva conference, our major responsibility was to receive and control the south region of Quang Nam province, south of Thu Bon river. However, viet cong already poisoned our people with idea to rebel against the Army of the Republic of Viet Nam (ARVN).
At the time, Lieutenant Ngo The Linh was an Intelligent Officer, new to this career, but he was very sharp and understood the people well.
He was able to create an effective intelligent network among the people to gather information for our Headquarter about the VC's plan and their next move. This greatly helped our Command Center to control and prevent their attack. Because of the effort and his network, the majority of the people in Quang Nam quickly changed from foes to real friends of ARVN soldiers.
I still remember many afternoon he and I were driving our Jeep through the village seeing many smiling faces from the people (who doubted us just a short time ago). The children laughed and ran after our Jeep. We stopped for them to climb in, then took them for a jolly drive around the village…
69. Name: Kiet Nguyen
Hometown: Kent, WA
Sent: 01.33 - mon 5 feb 2001Very nice and attractive. I like Vietnam song: Vietnam Vietnam
68. Name: Danny Mathers
Hometown: SC
Sent: 18.04 - sun 4 feb 2001RVN 68-69, ex 11B. I am humbled.
67. Name: KieuDuyen
Hometown: Ottawa, Canada
Sent: 17.20 - sun 4 feb 2001Rat xuc dong khi duoc doc nhung trang su oai hung nay va cau mong nhung chien si QLVNCH mai mai duoc ghi nho va ton vinh.
I am very moved to read his heroic past and wish that the brave ARVN soldiers will always be remembered and honored.
Việt Nam Cộng Ḥa Muôn Năm
Xin vui ḷng lưu bút tưởng niệm đến các vị Anh Hùng của QLVNCH
và các đồng bào nạn nhân đă bị cộng sản sát hại tại Huế.Please visit and sign our guestbook to honor the ARVN Heoes
and to remember the thousands of civilians murdered in Hue City in 1968.
since Memorial Day 1999
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