Long Live Việt Nam
You have never lived, until you have almost died.
For those who fight for it,
life has a flavor that the protected will never know!De Oppresso Liber.
Please sign Memorial Guestbook to honor the fallen soldiers and
those who sacrificed so much so that others may live in Freedom.
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456. Name: Nguyen Yen
City: Harrisburg, PA
Sent: 03-Aug-2006 17:11
Xin cau nguyen cho Anh-Linh Colonel Ngo-The-Linh, cung nhu xin cau-nguyen cho toan-the nhung Anh-Linh cua cac Liet-Si Viet-Nam Cong-Hoa. Xin cau-nguyen cho trang web nay song mai-mai.
Việt Nam Cộng Ḥa Muôn Năm
Xin vui ḷng lưu bút tưởng niệm đến các vị Anh Hùng của QLVNCH
và các đồng bào nạn nhân đă bị cộng sản sát hại tại Huế.Please visit and sign our guestbook to honor the ARVN Heoes
and to remember the thousands of civilians murdered in Hue City in 1968.
since Memorial Day 1999
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