Long Live Việt Nam
You have never lived, until you have almost died.
For those who fight for it,
life has a flavor that the protected will never know!De Oppresso Liber.
Please sign Memorial Guestbook to honor the fallen soldiers and
those who sacrificed so much so that others may live in Freedom.
View archive: 2009, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000.
Thank You For Signing Memorial Guestbook
424. Name: Jack Jennings
City: Dallas, Texas
Sent: Sun December 25 2005 09:01
Thank you for keeping the spirit alive. To all of the brave men that served in Operation 34A, the PT Boat crews and CSS. Jack Jennings, BSU-1 1965-1966
423. Name: Nguyen Ngoc Long
City: Sai Gon
Sent: Fri December 23 2005 06:14
Nhung gi toi da doc xem va nhan thuc tu trang web nay bo sung them noi dau tu trong long. Nhung gi ma Cong San da lam con nhieu nhieu hon nua cac ban a. Co 1 dieu toi xin gop y o day . Cac ban la nguoi Viet o Hai Ngoai cac ban dung nen khinh khi va xa lanh nguoi Viet trong nuoc. Khong phai tat ca deu xau nhu cac ban nghi dau . Co 1 so nguoi duoc Cong San "che tao" mang theo dung cai ban sac cua Cong San Cong San co y lam nhu the. O Viet Nam nguoi ta cung nhin nhuc ma song , boi vi chong lai chung thi co duoc loi ich gi dau. Cac ban hay doan ket voi ho, nhung nguoi Viet chan chinh. Neu khong co suc manh cua ho cac ban se khong the nao nghi den chuyen "Phuc Quoc" duoc . Than chao ./.
From everything I read and learned from this website has added to the sorrows I have felt. There are so much more crimes that the communists have committed than it have been told. There is one thing that I would like to add here. You, the Vietnamese living abroad please do not look down or stay away from the Vietnamese living in Vietnam. Not evervyone there is no good or trustworthy as you might think. There are a few that the communist regime "have created" that stay true to the real communist ideology. In Vietnam, so many have to endure and obey in order to stay alive. Please unite with these, the real and true Nationalists. Without their strength, you can not bring back Freedom and Democracy to our Nation. Cheers ./.
422. Name: Tu Quang Minh
City: Sugar Land TX
Sent: Thu December 22 2005 18:47
My deepest sympathy, appreciation and respect.
421. Name: Huynh Duc Nghi
City: soc trang
Sent: Wed December 21 2005 01:28
Tôi sinh sau 1975 nhưng tôi rất chán cộng sản. Tôi rất thích t́m hiểu những ǵ thuộc về VNCH, càng t́m hiểu tôi càng say mê.
I was born after 1975 but I really hate the communist regime. I like to learn and know more about the Republic of Viet Nam, the more I read, the more I love and fasinated by it
420. Name: Hai Minh
City: Saigon
Sent: Thu December 15 2005 23:24
Trang web này hay quá! Đă cho tôi thêm những thông tin, h́nh ảnh về lịch sử dân tộc Vietnam. God bless all of you!
This website is incredile! It gave me a lot more information, pictures and history of our Viet Nam. God bless all of you.
419. Name: James Givens
City: Glendale, AZ
Sent: Mon December 12 2005 15:27
Senior Advisor, 6th Ranger Group 1972
418. Name: Robert York
City: Warrington,Pa 18976
Sent: Sat December 10 2005 20:44
Great site, I was advisor to 3rd Bn 53 Regt 23 Div. My counterpart was a Major Lang if anyone has knowledgle of him please contact me at my e-mail. I served in Vietnam Nov. 59 to Oct. 70. Thank You Robert York
417. Name: James J. Gotelli
Homepage: http://6286 Opaekaa Rd.
City: Kapaa
Sent: Wed December 07 2005 14:36
Happy Holidays everyone.
416. Name: Mr Le
City: San Jose, California
Sent: Fri November 25 2005 09:12
Các chiến hữu niên trưởng đă chiến đấu và hy sinh để người dân miền Nam được sống trong tự do và ấm no trong 20 năm. Tổ Quốc Tri Ân.
Our soldiers fought and made sacrifices for the South Vietnamese to live with Freedom and happiness in 20 years. Nation will remember you.
415. Name: Lê gia Cang
City: San Jose, California
Sent: Tue November 15 2005 20:24
Rất xúc động, ngưỡng mộ và kính phục sự chiến đấu và hy sinh của các bậc đàn anh. Nhớ ơn các anh măi măi...... Tổ Quốc Ghi Ơn.
Very moved, admored and respect the sacrifice and valiance of our senior officers. Forever in depth with gratitude .... Our Nation Will Remember You.
414. Name: Barry Schechter
Homepage: The Bronx Tao
City: San Francisco, CA 94110
Sent: Tue November 15 2005 16:23
May we all remember what we did then and the reasons that brought us there. Charlie Co.2nd Bn,28th Inf, 1st Infantry Division, Lai Khe 11/65-12/66
413. Name: Le Hong Tuan
City: Saigon, South Vietnam.
Sent: Wed November 02 2005 04:05
Ở đời có Sinh ắc có Tử. Không biết bao giờ chế độ cộng sản Việt Nam mới sụp đổ?
There is Life and there is Death. When will the Vietnamese communist regime be destroyed?
Sent: Sat October 29 2005 14:21
Honor, Country, Responsibility.
411. Name: Pham Diep
City: Munich Germany
Sent: Tue September 27 2005 12:24
Kính dâng hương lên các Anh-Lính Việt Nam Cộng Ḥa đă bảo vệ miền Nam Việt Nam suốt 20 năm để chúng cháu được tự do hạnh phúc. Kính phục các Cô Chú Bác và các Bạn Trẻ vẫn c̣n đang tiếp tục tranh đấu cho Quê Hương Việt Nam sớm thoát khỏi ách cộng sản vô thần. Kính dâng.
A tribute to the Soldiers of the Republic of Vietnam who protected the South Vietnam for 20 years so the younger generations had Freedom and Happiness. My respect to our older generation and the young compatriots who continue to fight for Viet Nam soon to be free of communist oppression. Sincere respect.
410. Name: Lam
City: Saigon
Sent: Sat September 17 2005 01:29
Hiện nay tôi thấy có một nhà sách cũ tại Sài G̣n c̣n cuốn "Lịch sữ h́nh thành QLVNCH" của Phạm Văn Sơn. Trận Mậu Thân 1968 , B́nh Long ... vv.. và nhiều bộ sách hiếm quư khác nói về QLVNCH, tất cả điều là bản gốc (original), nhưng có điều giá cao quá từ 200 đến 300 USD / cuốn. Tôi nghĩ đây là một tài liệu chúng ta cần phải có để lưu truyền cho thế hệ con em chúng ta để biết về một quá khứ hào hùng và buồn đau của quân đội chúng ta, nếu các bạn chưa có và cần sách ấy mail cho tôi, tôi sẽ chỉ cho để mua nếu các bạn có người nhà ở đây or bên đó có ai về. Thân mến. Chúc sức khỏe và may mắn. Tùng, người lính c̣n ở lại.
409. Name: Nguyen van Son
Homepage: http://vanhocvietnam.0catch.com
City: Grand Prairie, TX 75052
Sent: Fri September 16 2005 14:44
Rất cảm kích về cuộc đời của tác giả. Xin chỉ cho cách mua toàn bộ tac phẩm Thép Đen. Nếu có dưới dạng MP3 th́ càng tốt. Thân.
408. Name: Henry Nguyen
City: San Diego
Sent: Sun September 11 2005 03:27
407. Name: Phuong Q. Le
City: Baltimore, MD
Sent: Thu August 25 2005 19:34
This is a great site. I'm so glad to learn more about our history and the war that killed so many innocent Vietnamese. My heart bleeds for our people. Cám ơn Chú đă bỏ th́ giờ thành lập cái website này.
406. Name: Tran nhat Quang
Sent: Sat August 06 2005 03:26
Dong cam chia buon cung moi nguoi.
My condolences to everyone.
405. Name: Khánh
Sent: Fri August 05 2005 18:45
Cám ơn bạn đă bỏ công xây dựng một website với những tài liệu và h́nh ảnh vô cùng quư gía cho độc giả được biết đến nhiều điều về sự thật của cuộc chiến VN cũng như những anh hùng chiến sĩ QLVNCH. Thành thật cám ơn bạn rất nhiều. Đồng thời xin chúc bạn cũng như những nguời Việt yêu chuộng tự do gặp được mọi điều như ư. Mến,
Thank your effort and time in making this website with many invaluable artifacts, articles and pictures for readers to know more of what really happened during the Vietnam War as well as bout the Heroes of ARVN. My sincere gratitude to you. I also would like to wish you and Freedom-loving Vietnamese that all of your wishes will come true. Cordially,
404. Name: Ho anh Dung
City: San Jose
Sent: Thu August 04 2005 06:36
Bac di chien-dau de cho cac con duoc an-binh. Bac chon binh-nghiep de cac con hoc duoc luat, van-chuong, khoa-hoc ky-thuat. Bac ra di la mot su mat-mat lon, lam chung con gan-gui nhau hon. TS Ho anh Dung
You fought so your children can have peace. You chose military career so your children can studied laws, literature, engineering. Your passing is a great lost and it makes the younger generations getting closer together.
Ho anh Dung, Ph.D.
403. Name: Truong Phuc
City: Toronto / Ontario / Canada
Sent: Sat July 30 2005 16:44
Anh hùng tử - Khí hùng nào tử.
The Hero died, but his Spirit never die.
402. Name: Nguyen van Tuan
City: huyen Long Thanh, tinh Dong Nai
Sent: Sun July 24 2005 06:09
Em không thể cấm được nước mắt khi nghe ông nói kể về những ngày chiến đấu ác liệt với bọn cộng sản bất nhân. Em ghét em ghét và hắn và hắn bọn bất nhân khác màu cộng sản. Nay ông nội em là một thương phế binh , nhưng ông luôn tự hào ḿnh là một người lính VNCH. Cuộc sống hiện tại bây giờ của ông nội em gặp nhiều khó khăn, em không biết phải dựa vào đâu, em chỉ mong nhận được sự quan tâm của các anh đến hoàn cảnh của ông nội em, xin hăy giúp đỡ ông nội em. Em xin cảm ơn các anh nhiều.
401. Name: Sgt Jose M. Deleon, USMC
City: Miami, FL
Sent: Thu July 21 2005 18:35
Looking for Warrant Officer Liem, 44 ARVN Arty BN.
400. Name: Son Bich Lam
City: San Jose, CA
Sent: Mon July 11 2005 12:51
I had served with Ngo The Linh when we were back in south vietnam fighting againest VietCong. I had always looked up to you as my commanding Officer. I was only Ranked Captain when you gave me the Vietnam jump-wing award RIP NGO THE LINH.Captain Son Bich Lam
399. Name: Gregory McKnight
City: Orlando, Florida
Sent: Fri July 08 2005 04:22
My father was proud of all he did. He loved his country and yours. He wil never be forgotten and never will you. Thank you. Son of Lt. Col Robert D. McKnight
398. Name: Nguyen Van Si~
City: Lake Forest, California
Sent: Wed July 06 2005 13:01
Thank you.
397. Name: Nguyen Van Hong
City: Munich Germany
Sent: Mon July 04 2005 11:58
Xin nghieng minh truoc Anh Linh cua cac Chien Si VNCH da bao ve mien Nam Viet Nam suot 20 nam.
I am paying my respect to the Soldiers of the Army of Republic of Vietnam who protected the South Vietnam for 20 years.
396. Name: Nguyen Thai Tuan
City: Dong Nai, Vietnam
Sent: Sun July 03 2005 01:39
Chau mang on tat ca nhung chien si QLVNCH dang con song hay da mat cho su nghiep gianh doc lap tu do dan chu cho VN.
My gratitute to all soldiers of the Army of Republic of Vietnam (still alive or already passed on) for your sacrifice to fight for Freedom and Democracy for Vietnam.
395. Name: Keith Robert McKnight
City: Sarasota, Florida
Sent: Thu June 30 2005 03:08
Good Day, I see you have referenced my father and inquired about my brothers and me. Please contact me at the above address. Regards, Keith McKnight
394. Name: Hung Nguyen
City: Portland
Sent: Tue June 28 2005 16:39
This is a wonderful land. Have a good day everyone!
393. Name: Cao Xuân Kiên
Homepage: http://www.congsanbatnhan.net
City: Sydney Australia
Sent: Tue June 28 2005 06:16
Cám ơn anh đã lập nên trang web này. Rất hay. Chúng tôi xin link đến trang này trong công cuộc phản đối CSVN về việc phá tượng đài thuyền nhân tại Nam Dương và Mã Lai. BS Cao Xuân Kiên
Thank you for creating this website. It's great. We would like to ađ a link to this site in protest to the communist government in destroying the Boat People Memorial Monuments in Indonesia and Malaysia. Dr. Cao Xuan Kien.
392. Name: Jean Libby
Homepage: http://vietamreview.blogharbor.com
City: Palo Alto, California
Sent: Tue June 21 2005 05:17
Thank you for your excellent and factual site about current events and history of the Vietnamese people. I have linked your site to my "blog" and appreciate your sending information to the forum group. Jean Libby U.S. History instructor (college level, retired)
391. Name: Thoai Dang
City: Sydney, Australia
Sent: Mon June 20 2005 21:40
Xin cam on da cho doc nhung tai lieu dang duoc luu tru mai mai.
Thank you for letting me read the articles that should be kept forever (and passed on to future generations).
390. Name: Bui Bach Dang Giang
City: Fall church, VA
Sent: Mon June 20 2005 19:03
Chau cam on tat ca nhung chien si QLVNCH dang con song hay da mat cho su nghiep gianh doc lap tu do dan chu cho VN voi giac thu Cong san .
My gratitude to the Army of Republic of Vietnam soldiers, to those who are still alive or have since passed away in our fight with the communist enemies to regain Freedom and Democracy for Vietnam.
389. Name: Tuan Ho
City: 4934 Kenny Circle, Santa Ana, CA. 92703
Sent: Sun June 12 2005 23:18
They are unknown heroes that we owes them forever for their sacrifices.
388. Name: Jim Soukup
City: Manchester, MD.
Sent: Sat June 11 2005 17:12
Beginning 2/1/68, I fought to liberate HUE CITY with the 1st Battalion, 1st MARINE Regiment. I was on the South side of the Perfume River with elements of the 5th Marines. Unlike many other AMERICANS and VIETNAMESE, I'm blessed to have walked out of that battle. Our cause was a nobel and just one. I will never forget the sacrifices of the fallen. I am especially thankful and humbled to to read all the entries from Vietnames in your Memorial Guestbooks. These are powerful messages and remind me of the love I have for the Vietnamese survivors. I wish I could hug each one but I will pray to my Lord & savior Jesus Christ for their continued happiness, heath, and safe keeping.
387. Name: Huyen Truong
City: Melbourne, Australia
Sent: Wed June 08 2005 22:39
Xin cam on cac chu, cac bac da anh dung hy sinh va chien dau cho su tu do cho Vietnam than yeu cua chung ta.
Thank you for your bravery and sacrifices to fight for Freedom and Democracy for our beloved Vietnam.
386. Name: James Boyd
City: Arlington
Sent: Sat June 04 2005 11:04
On memorial day I honor all the veterans ARVN and US. each week I still think of my old friends in the Vietnamese Rangers and other units. There is an old saying; As long as you remember them, they will never die. I will always carry their memories with me. James 5th Special Forces 67, 68. and 69
385. Name: SON TRAN
Sent: Wed June 01 2005 05:38
Xin cam on nhung nguoi da nam xuong cho mot mien Nam tu do.
Sincere gratitude to those who laid down their lives for Freedom for the South Vietnam.
384. Name: George McDonald
City: Des Moines, IowaSent: 2005-05-30 12:19:15 GMT
To all the guys I served with in Nha Trang 281St Aviation company and for the ones who didn"t come home, GOD BLESS YOU ALL 66/67.
383. Name: Nguyen Quynh Huong
City: Ellenwood, GA 30294
Sent: Sat May 28 2005 15:50
To^? quoc tri an nhung anh hung dda~ vi. quoc vong tha^n, dda~ hy sinh cuoc doi minh co ly' tuong, tu do va dan chu? cho Mien Nam, Viet Nam/.
Our Nation will always remember the heroes who laid down their lives, sacrificed their lives for Freedom and Democracy for the South Vietnam.
382. Name: Tina Quinton
City: Henryetta, OK
Sent: Wed May 27 2005 05:07:51
I saw the movie, "We Were Soldiers". I am now reading the book, "We Were Soldiers, Once and Young." I am half way through it and it tells much more
about war than the movie does. It's fasinating but heartbreaking. Sometimes I'm just speechless. I don't know any war vetrans personally and sometimes feel
like I lack the knowledge of American History because of it. So in place I read, alot of war and even holocost(one in the same) books. All these stories are
incredible in good and sorriful ways. I'm sorry for all the close friends and family that were lost in the vietnam war. Or any war for that matter. P.S. I'll never
forget the people I've read about. Sincerely, Tina age 25
381. Name: Hoa Nguyen
City: 951 S. 34th, Mesa, Az, 85204
Sent: Thu May 19 2005 15:09
Tuong Niem cac Anh Hung Vi Quoc Vong Than. Toi van khoc khi nho ve di vang.
Remembering the Heroes who died for our Nation. I still cry whenever I look back.
380. Name: LY DANG PHAM
Sent: Sun May 15 2005 23:08
Tran trong quy men cac chien si trong bong toi .
Paying respect to the "secret" Commandos.
Sent: Sun May 08 2005 16:28
378. Name: Mallerie Mitchell
City: Miramichi
Sent: Tue May 03 2005 08:01
I would like to let you know that i did a project on vietnam, and i learned that you people are very smart! well have a nice life living were you live and best of wishes and hope! Mallerie
377. Name: Tran Cong Tuan
City: 10 Elm Court, Brisbane Queensland 4118 Australia
Sent: Wed April 27 2005 02:30
I always remember what they did for my freedom country Vietnam.
376. Name: Yves GRUJARD
City: paris 12éme
Sent: Sun April 24 2005 04:53
I support all the Vietnamiese people who live against communist i am proud of my maternal grand mother was vienamienne and me a quater of vietnamienne blood!!! Long life to the free Vietnam. Yves
375. Name: Thuy Bui
City: Santa Clara
Sent: Tuesday April 12 2005 02:02
Anh hung tu khi hung nao tu. Tieng thom cua cac anh hung van muon doi trong long nguoi Viet Nam chan chinh.
Hero died but His Spirit will never die. The Hero's Legacy will forever remains in the Vietnamese Nationalists' hearts.
374. Name: William Stafford 111 USA Ret.
City: East Hampton, New York
Sent: Sat April 09 2005 07:06
Lest we forget. I tried to help with the 196th lib in 1968 and 101st airborne division in 1970. I don't regret being there. doc stafford
373. Name: John Parker
City: Steamboat Springs, CO 80477
Sent: Fri April 01 2005 14:40
I was the senior advisor to the 36th Ranger Battalion in 1967. The battalion commander was Thieu Ta An.
372. Name: Chuck Points
City: North Bend, OR
Sent: Thu March 31 2005 11:11
I was a navy corpsman/e ta/ bac si, serving with CAC unit Hotel 7, '66-67'. May God bless us all, budha watch watch over us.
371. Name: J M Nesbit
City: Concord, CA
Sent: Tue March 29 2005 21:42
During the Easter Offensive of 1972, the USS St Louis offloaded a SEAL team on the beach west of Quang Tri. We never heard from these SEALS again, but knew that they had liberated Quang Tri. Here's hoping that they all made it home again. Kindest regards, J M Nesbit
370. Name: Alain Nguyen Ngoc / STRATA 11
Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/doan11strata/
City: Plano, TX 75075
Sent: Fri March 11 2005 17:28
Nhung qua khu da qua, thoi trai tre da het nhung du am nhung gi chung ta da lam trong thap nien 60-70 khong the quen lang duoc. Nhung chien si Biet kich Nha Ky Thuat duoi su diu dat cua Nien truong Dai ta Ngo The Linh da lap nen nhung chien cong hien hach mac du no tham lang khong ai biet den ke ca ho ten cua ho, xin moi cac chien huu Biet Kich/MACVSOG, member SOA, SFA di vao trang wed cua Doan 11 STRATA : www.geocities.com/doan11strata/
It's been in the past. We are no longer young men but we can never forget the memories of what we did during the 60's and 70's. The Commandos of Strategic Technical Directorate under the guidance of Senior Officer - Colonel Ngo The Linh had fought and achieved incredible success and it was done in total secrecy and people did not even know our names. I am inviting the Vietnamese Special Forces, MACVSOG, Special Operation Association and Special Forces Association members to visit Brigade 11 Short-Term Reconnaisant and Target Acquisition (STRATA) website at www.geocities.com/doan11strata/
369. Name: Lee Fisk
City: Kent City
Sent: Fri March 11 2005 06:27
Thank You for everything. Thunder Chicken 04
368. Name: Nguyen Van Thien
City: 2320 Treyburn Ct., Plano, TX 75075
Sent: Wed March 09 2005 21:05
Nam1970 toi da gap Thieu ta Binh ve nhay du boi duong tai Trung tam huan luyen Quyet Thang Long Thanh, sau nay len Dai ta ten that Ngo the Linh CHP cua NKT/TTM, don vi toi da tung phuc vu trong thoi trai tre. Nay nguoi da ra di vinh vien, xin thanh that chia buon den gia dinh vi nien truong .
In 1970, I met Major Binh when he came back to Long Thanh base for parachute jumps. Later he became Colonel, his real name is Ngo The Linh, Vice Director of Strategic Technical Directorate, the special unit that I had served. Now that he has passed away, my sincere condolences to the family of my leader.
368. Name: Ray Armstrong
Homepage: http://veteranscookbook.com
City: Maumelle, Arkansas
Sent: Thu March 03 2005 05:44
I salute the brave soldiers of the ARVN. It was an honor to fight by your side.
367. Name: Quynh Huong
City: Ellenwood, GA
Sent: Tue February 22 2005 07:00
Thanh that phan uu, cung gia quyen, va` nguyen cau vong ho^`n cu?a Dai Ta' Ngo^ The^' Linh, phieu dieu mien cuc la.c.
Sincere condolences to the family and may Colonel Ngo The Linh's soul forever Rest in Peace.
366. Name: Vinh An Nguyen
City: La Crescenta, California
Sent: Fri February 18 2005 19:24
Biet nhau tu thuo nho, co chung mot que-huong, cung chung mot chi huong, xuat than cung mot truong ma hon 50 nam luu lac chang he biet nhau o dau . Mai nhieu nam sau khi chet moi duoc tin . Thuong tiec Anh va cau xin cho Anh duoc huong on lanh noi Anh dang o. Nguyen An Vinh
We knew each other since childhood, we came from the same villlage, we had the same sense of purpose, we graduated from the same academy, but after 50 long years, I did not know where you were. Not until many years after your passing that I received this sad news. I grieve and mourn your lost and pray that you now forever Rest in Peace.
Nguyen An Vinh
365. Name: Stan Onsted
City: Clinton Md
Sent: Wed February 16 2005 09:38
Many thanks is an understatement to those that willing sacrificed themselves in honor of freedom and oppression from communism. Nothing has change our great counrty will strive to promote freedoms everywhere, dispite the hesitation created by false and malicious reporting by the leftist media. Stanley J Onsted, Msgt, USAF (Ret.)
364. Name: Greg E.
City: El Cerrito, CA
Sent: Tue February 15 2005 15:14
A fine tribute to a great Vietnamese nationalist.
363. Name: Jame Bond
City: California , USA
Sent: Mon February 14 2005 16:48
Dai Ta Ngo The Linh that la mot con nguoi Vi Dai. Ong da phuc vu dat nuoc voi long tan trung va da khong bao gio co tham vong lam chinh tri trong xuot chieu dai cua Nen De Nhat va De Nhi Cong Hoa. Xin cac ban tre ghi nho 2 dieu kha quan trong khi muon dan than phuc vu dan toc :
1) Neu la quan doi thi khong nen co tham vong hoac dinh dang vao chinh tri.
2) Neu co tam long phuc vu Que Huong va Dan Toc, Tinh Liem Khiet, Long Tu Trong va Bau Nhiet Huyet phuc vu dan toc la nhung duc tinh can thiet. Chung Con nguyen ren luyen nhung duc tinh tot cua nguoi de mai sau noi buoc cha anh "leo lai dat nuoc"mot khi Cong San sup do.
Viet Nam muon nam.
Colonel Ngo The Linh was a great man. He served our country with absolute loyalty and had never had ambition in politics thru out the First and Second Republic. I would like to ask the younger generations to remember the two important things when you want to serve our country:
1) If you are in the army, you should put away all political ambition,
2) If you have the desire to serve our Nation then Honesty, Self-Respect and Enthusiasm to serve are necessary.
We, the younger generation pledge to follow your shinning examples and follow your footsteps to "re-build" our Nation once the communists are gone.
Long Live Viet Nam.
362. Name: Jame Bond
Homepage: To Quoc Nghin Doi Ghi On Cac Chien Si QLVNCH da nam xuong cho Me Viet Nam.
City: California . USA
Sent: Fri February 11 2005 16:19
Neu QLVNCH co them duoc vai chuc cac cap si quan Liem Khiet, cuong quyet bao ve bo coi nhu DT Ngo The Linh thi cho du Dong Minh co phan boi, mien nam chua chac roi vao tay cong san. Mien nam chung ta co qua nhieu cap lanh dao chi biet Loi Danh va Phu Qui chang co liem si cua mot ke si. Xin ngai phu ho the tre chung con lam lai que huong./. Viet Nam muon nam.
If the Army of Republic of Viet Nam had a few dozens Honest Officers, faithfully defend our border as Colonel Ngo The Linh then even if the Allies betrayed us, the South might not fall into the hands of the communists. The South had too many leaders who know only Power and Money and had no Dignity. Colonel, please guide our younger generations to re-build our country. Long Live Viet Nam.
361. Name: Tran V Hong
Hometown: Can Tho Viet Nam
Sent: 17.54 - thu 10 feb 2005
Cuoc chien da qua hon 29 nam roi, ma moi lan toi doc lai nhung nguoi linh hao hung da gan da doi dien voi ke thu coi cai chet nhe to long hong . Xin cho toi thap mot nen huong cho tat ca nhung ANH HUNG VI QUOC VONG THAN voi long thanh kinh tri an. Day la nhung loi chan thanh tuong nho cua mot nguoi linh doi voi nhung nguoi linh oai hung.
The war was ended 29 years ago, but each time I read stories of our heroes who bravely fought our enemies and never were afraid of death. Let me light up incense and pay respect to the HEROES OF OUR NATION WHO DIED FOR OUR COUNTRY with sincere gratitude. My sincere gratitude from a soldier to other heroic soldiers.
360. Name: Jessica Ngo (your grandchild)
City: San Jose, California
Sent: Wed February 09 2005 10:53
Hello Grandpa, Today is Vietnamese New Year, and our family is thinking about you, and miss you so much.. If you still alive, I am sure our family will be very happy. We will visit you today, with beautiful flowers, and pray for you... God Bless You, and rest in peace.
- Jessica Ngo
359. Name: Tran Ly Le
Sent: 17.23 - mon 7 feb 2005
Không 'hữu' không 'tả' chỉ v́ dân tộc Việt Nam dưới lá cờ vàng chính nghĩa. Các vị sống khôn, chết thiêng xin phù hộ cho quê hương có ngày uống được chén t́nh.
358. Name: Le Quang Dung
City: Sai Gon, Viet Nam
Sent: Fri February 04 2005 22:23
Hay tin tre D/T da tro ve voi Chua, toi xin thay mat cho cac chien huu o 101 xin duoc chia buon cung gia dinh Dai Ta va nguyen cau Duc Me Maria quan phong linh hon Dai Ta.
Le Quang Dung 101/3.
Hearing the news that Colonel has gone to Heaven, on behalf of your comrades at 101, my condolences to the Colonel's family and pray that Mother Maria will protect your soul.
Le Quang Dung 101/3.
357. Name: Zhiwei
Hometown: Singapore
Sent: 17.41 - thu 3 feb 2005
You guy done a great job.... cheers for the all the people who had survive...
356. Name: Jame Bond
City: California, USA
Sent: Fri February 04 2005 14:30
"Sinh Vi Tuong, Tu vi Than" xin nguoi an nghi. To Quoc nghin doi ghi on nhung cong lao cua cac anh, chu, bac da hy sinh xuong mau de to diem giang son Viet Nam.
Viet Nam muon nam.
"Live to be General, Die to be Diety", may you rest in peace. Our Nation will forever remember your trememndous sacrifices to beautify Motherland.
Long Live Viet Nam.
355. Name: Nguyen Dung
City: Piscataway, NJ 08854
Sent: Fri February 04 2005 08:11
Toi la nguoi VN tu do va luon luon la nguoi VN tu do. Xin co chut tam long va loi cau nguyen cho nhung nguoi VN da chet cho tu do, cach rieng cho nhung anh hung trong Quan Luc VietNam Cong Hoa lam on xin tru ra Nguyen Cao Ky, Nguyen Van Thieu, Tran Thien Khiem va cai dam tuong ta da dua dat nuoc toi vao vong tay cua bon Viet Cong ngu xi)
354. Name: Jose E. Vasquez
City: Harlingen, Texas
Sent: Wed February 02 2005 16:10
God bless. There are memories which are heartfelt and kept in a silent reverence. De Oppresso Liber!
353. Name: Ta-Trung-Truc
City: Grenoble - FRANCE
Sent: Wed January 26 2005 01:03
I am very impressed by your web site and signing your guestbook to express my respects to those who died for a VIET-NAM free from communism.
352. Name: Cuong Nguyen
City: Rowland Heights
Sent: Sat January 22 2005 00:00
Thank you for your service to the country, you are a hero to many generations.
351. Name: Trung Uy Nguyen thanh Duc
City: Windsor, Ontario, Canada N8P 1K1
Sent: Fri January 14 2005 21:06
Ngan nam Biet On.
Forever in debt with gratitude.
350. Name: Nip Vong
City: Sydney, Australia
Sent: Wed January 12 2005 17:57
You are heroes, you always are the people who lost so much and never have enough in return. Still some people remember you, however a lot of them forgot (I believe), because they never known how hard you worked and spent your life for your country, but I do.
349. Name: Jack Kull
City: Fairfax, VA
Sent: Sat January 08 2005 22:01
To our brave Republic of Vietnam allies: You are true patriots. A request for information: I am trying to locate the Vietnamese survivors of MACSOG Spike Team ASP (FOB 4). The three Americans on the team, SGTs Ron Brown, Al Boyer, and Greg Huston, were lost during a failed extraction during a wiretap mission near Tchepone, Laos, on 28 MAR 1968. It is my understanding the Vietnamese team members survived the mission; the team's intrepreter may have worked for American Express in Saigon. Any assistance will be sincerely appreciated. Many thanks! Jack Kull
348. Name: KHOA 10B/72 SQTB/QLVNCH/TTHLNT (DongDe)
City: Westminster, CA 92683
Sent: Wed January 05 2005 23:18
Our Nation will honor you. With gratitude.
(Lieutenant) Thieu uy Nguyen Thanh Phong
347. Name: Lacey Alvis
City: Ft. madison Iowa
Sent: Tue January 04 2005 14:40
hello nice website
346. Name: Nhan Le
City: Gardena, CA
Sent: Tue January 04 2005 14:27I have nothing but respect for those who serve and specially those who made the ultimate sacrifice of their life.
345. Name: Major Joe L. Young
City: Fayetteville, North Carolina
Sent: Sun January 02 2005 20:19You fought a good fight--- now rest in peace!!!
344. Name: Cecil Mashburn
Hometown: Russell, Kansas
Sent: 21.27 - thu 30 dec 2004
I am the eldest son of Lou Conein, Who was a friend of Ngo The Linh. I am also a friend of Mrs Boxberger who is married to my friend eldest son. I had the honor to visit with Ngo The Linh at their wedding in Kansas. I am sadden that both great men my father and Mr. Linh has moved on. They were both great men in Viet Nam.
Hung Ngo: Lieutenant Colonel Lucien Conein link: http://www.arlingtoncemetery.net/conein.htm
343. Name: Ricardo
Hometown: Rancho Cucamonga
Sent: 17.52 - sun 21 nov 2004
I wish to honor those who have fallen in South Vietnam. I am an ex-military (5 yrs 5 months), and I feel for those who have lost loved ones. I am 48 now, with family, and I would still go to fight if required. This country, and other countries can not survive if no one stands up to the evil followers of hate.
342. Name: James M. Vincent, LCDR USN (Ret)
City: El Paso, Texas
Sent: Fri December 31 2004 19:56
My heart goes out to those who did not come home and to those Vietnamese who are forced to live in that Communist country. I will never forget the brave men of the Hai Thuyen of the Third Coastal District and our Biet Hai, God Bless Them All. SAT CONG (still)
341. Name: Ronald E. Kauffman
City: Storrs, Connecticut
Sent: Fri December 31 2004 05:05
I would like to point out that the Americans stationed at Paradise Island did not accompany the Swift Boats on their trips to enemy territory. Our job was to translate the interrogation reports and forward them to classified locations. We also had other missions, but could not be considered as dangerous at the Swift Boat Commandos. I was USA special forces operations and intelligence and most of the other americans were army and naval intelligence. We worked hard to keep the mission of the island secret and there was not any indication that the communist forces (VC and NVA) knew any thing at all about our operations. For all they knew we were a radio relay station. We had no contact with the local villagers except for medical emergencies when they required a doctor or transport to a hospital on the mainland. I do not want to give the impression that we were some sort of heroes. We did our job as directed.
340. Name: SGM (ret) Ronald E. Kauffman
City: Storrs, Connecticut
Sent: Tue December 28 2004 15:52
I replaced MSG Mancil as the NCOIC of the small detachment on the Island. During Tet '68 we were on alert but not attacked. We watched Marble Mountain being attacked from our positions on the beach. I later served in MACSOG other branches after the closing of the island in 1968.(1969?). I may have some pictures of the compund if you are interested. The men of CSS are true heroes who conducted very dangerous missions in enemy held territory (North Vietnam and Tiger Island).
339. Name: James M. Schmitt
Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/slavcmb/
City: House Springs, Mo.
Sent: Sun December 26 2004 09:58
I have no words for those who died, American and ARVN, only tears. To me there is no Ho Chi Min city nor will there ever be...it is and always will be.. SAIGON !
D.Co. 169th Eng.Bn. 20th Eng. Bde. {QL-20} 69-70 GOD please bless us all.
338. Name: Leonard U.Y. Dela Cruz
City: Ewa Beach, Hawaii
Sent: Fri December 17 2004 18:59
I honor all who have served and died for Vietnam's freedom. My service in Vietnam was at Quang Tri Combat Base from January 1970 to February 1971. Special US Air Force Detachment doing a classified mission. I'm honored to have served in Vietnam.
337. Name: Thanh cong Trinh
Hometown: Sachse, TX
Sent: Thu November 25 2004 20:18
Thanks Hung and keep up the good job! Than goi A. Huynh phi Khanh. Liet cung la ban toi, toi co den nha o Tran hung Dao De Tham sau nha tho Tin Lanh. Neu A.o RT Pythorn chac A. biet Suong (Interpreter) Suong o Da Lat, sau qua toan toi. Toi mat 2 nguoi ban trong toan cua Liet: Long (Interpreter) KIA Long hay hat bai I am your Captain va Lam (11) MIA Lam co vo ten Lan o Nha Trang co mot dua con, Lam o cau Van Thanh, SG. Luc do Tuan rau lam 10. Anh em minh biet nhau, nhung lau qua roi khong nho. Xin A lien lac voi toi. Se noi nhieu hon. Chuc suc khoe. Thanh Trinh.
336. Name: Ricardo
Hometown: Rancho Cucamonga
Sent: Sun Nov 21 19:52:13 2004
I wish to honor those who have fallen in South Vietnam. I am an ex-military (5 yrs 5 months), and I feel for those who have lost loved ones. I am 48 now, with family, and I would still go to fight if required. This country, and other countries can not survive if no one stands up to the evil followers of hate.
Việt Nam Cộng Ḥa Muôn Năm
Xin vui ḷng lưu bút tưởng niệm đến các vị Anh Hùng của QLVNCH
và các đồng bào nạn nhân đă bị cộng sản sát hại tại Huế.Please visit and sign our guestbook to honor the ARVN Heoes
and to remember the thousands of civilians murdered in Hue City in 1968.
since Memorial Day 1999
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