Director of Strategic Technical Directorate
Vietnamese Special Forces Commander
Master ParaWings
Twenty three years of Special Forces Service to Vietnam
Tribute to a Special Forces Commander (English)
An ARVN Hero, Director of Special Branch, Office 45B (English)
TAPS to Colonel NGO THE LINH (pictures)
Tưởng Niệm Cố Đại Tá NGÔ THẾ LINH (Vietnamese)
Visitors since Major Ngo The Linh at Đà Nẵng in 1964
Memorial Day 1999
Officer Academy THỦ ĐỨC - NAM ĐỊNH (Vietnamese)
Strategic Technical Directorate - MACV-SOG ![]()
Biệt Hải (Nha Kỹ Thuật) Quân Lực Việt Nam Cộng Ḥa
Sea Commandos - MACV-SOG
NHA KY THUAT and MACV-SOG pictures
USMC Website more MACV-SOG pictures
more pictures related to Colonel Ngo The Linh Services: Special Branch long-term agents,
Loi Ho (Thunder Tiger), Hac Long (Black Dragon) and Biet Hai (UDT Sea Commandos).
Colonel Ngo The Linh awarded medals to Nha Ky Thuat Commandos"It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled,
or where the doer of deeds could have done better.
The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred by the dust
and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again;
who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions and spends himself in a worthy course;
who at the best, knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who, at worst,
if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly; so that his place shall never be
with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory or defeat."THEODORE ROOSEVELT
(Paris Sorbonne, 1910)
MACV-SOG & Nha Ky Thuat commandos
But in late 1972, as the Paris peace talks convened, clothing and food improved for the captured commandos. Word spread among them that all prisoners of war would be released under the emerging treaty. On Jan. 27, 1973, the cease-fire agreement was signed by the United States, South Vietnam and North Vietnam, calling for the return of prisoners of war within 60 days. Although almost 600 U.S. POWs were released, the commandos-some of whom had been in the same prisons as the Americans-were not. In protest, scores of them staged a series of hunger strikes that were mercilessly broken up by prison guards armed with clubs and dogs.At the negotiating table in Paris, the United States might not have been in any position to ask for the release of the commandos. "How could you ask for them?" Andrade asks. "These were not supposed to be United States teams, and you would not want to disclose your collusion in a secret operation. Even if we were involved in the training and the missions, it was (South Vietnamese) President Nguyen Van Thieu's job to ask for them."
TAPS to a Special Forces Commander
Please write if you know Colonel NGO THE LINH, had served with him, or to add your URLs.
Your contribution will be added to this website to honor all Commandos who sacrificed
for Freedom and Democracy for the Viet Nam Republic and the Free World.
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và các đồng bào nạn nhân đă bị cộng sản sát hại tại Huế.
Biệt Hải - Sở Pḥng Vệ Duyên Hải
(Sở Pḥng Vệ Duyên Hải)
(Coastal Security Service)Pictures and articles about top-secret missions by sea
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Ngo Xuan Hung
French Paratrooper Special Air Service S.A.S.
Việt Nam Cộng Ḥa Muôn Năm
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và các đồng bào nạn nhân đă bị cộng sản sát hại tại Huế.Please visit and sign our guestbook to honor the ARVN Heoes
and to remember the thousands of civilians murdered in Hue City in 1968.
since Memorial Day 1999
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