A Letter From South Vietnamese President Ngo Dinh Diem 
to American President John F. Kennedy

December 7, 1961 

Dear Mr President: Since its birth, more than six years ago, the Republic of Vietnam has enjoyed the close friendship and co-operation of the United States of America.

Like the United states, The Republic of Vietnam has always been devoted to the preservation of peace. My people know only too well the sorrows of war. We have honored the 1954 Geneva Agreements even though they resulted in the partitin of our country and the enslavement of more than half of our people by Communist tyranny. We have never considered the reunification of our nation by force. On the contrary, we have publicly pledged that we will not violate the demarcation line and the demilitarized zone set up by the Agreements. We have always been prepared and have on many occasions stated our willingness to reunify Vietnam on the basis of democratic and truly free elections.

The record of the Communist authorities in the northern part of the country is quite otherwise. They not only consented to the division of Vietnam, but were eager for it. They pledged themselves to observe the Geneva Agreements and during the seven years since have never ceased to violate them. They call for free elections but are ignorant of the very meaning of the words. They talk of "peaceful reunification" and wage war against us.

From the beginning, the Communists resorted to terror in their efforts to subvert our people, destroy our government, and impose a Communist regime upon us. They have attacked defenseless teachers, closed schools, killed members of our anti-malarial program, and looted hospitals. This is coldly calculated to destroy our government's humanitarian efforts to serve our people.

We have long sought to check the Communist attack from the North on our people by appeals to the International Control Commission. Over the years, we have repeatedly published to the world the evidence of the Communist plot to overthrow our government and seize control of all of Vietnam by illegal intrusions from outside our country. The evidence has mounted until now it is hardly necessary to rehearse it. Most recently, the kidnapping and brutal murder of our Chief Liaison Officer to the International Control Commission, Colonel Noang Thuy Nam, compelled us to speak out once more. In our October 24, 1961 letter to the ICC, we called attention again to the publicly stated determination of the Communist authorities in Hanoi to "liberate the south" by the overthrow of my government and the imposition of a Communist regime on our people. We cited the proof of massive infiltration of Communist agents agents and military elements into our country. We outlined the Communist strategy, which is simply the ruthless use of terror against the whole population, women and children included.

In the course of the last few months, the communist assault on my people has achieved high ferocity. In October they caused more than 1,800 incidents of violence and more than 2,000 casualties. They have struck occasionally in battalion strength, and they are continually augmentating their forces by infiltration from the North. The level of their attacks is already such that our forces are stretched to the utmost. We are forced to defend every village, every hamlet, indeed every home against a foe whose tactic is always to strike at the defenseless.

A disastrous flood was recently added to the misfortunes of the Vietnamese people. The greater part of the three provinces was inundated, with a great loss of property. We are now engaged in a nationwide effort to reconstruct and rehabilitate this area. The Communists are, of course, making this task doubly difficult, for they have seized upon the disruption of normal administration and communications as an opportunity to sow more destruction in the stricken area.

In short, the Vietnamese nation now faces what is perhaps the gravest crisis in its long history. For more than 2,000 years my people have lived and built, fought and died in this land. We have not always been free. Indeed, much of our history and many of its proudest moments have arisen from conquest by foreign powers and our struggle against great odds to regain or defend our precious independence. But it is not only our freedom that is at stake today, it is our national identity. For if we lose the war, our people will be swallowed by the Communist bloc, all our proud heritage will be blotted out by the "Socialist society" and Vietnam will leave the pages of history. We will lose our national soul.

Mr President, my people and I are mindful of the great assistance the United States has given us. Your help has not been lightly received, for the Vietnamese are proud people, and we are prepared to do our part in the defense of the free world. It is clear to all of us that the defeat of the Viet Cong demands the total mobilization of our government and our people, and you may be sure that we will devote all of our resources of money, minds, and men to this task.

But Vietnam is not a great power and the forces of international Communism now arrayed against us are more than we can meet with the resources at hand. We must have furthur assistance from the United States if we are to win the war now being waged against us.

We can certainly assure mankind that our action is purely defensive. Much as we regret the subjugation of more than half our people in North Vietnam, we have no intention, and indeed no means, to free them by use of force.

I have said that Vietnam is at war. War means many things, but most of all it means the death of brave people for a cause they believe in. Vietnam has suffered many wars, and through the centuries we have always had patriots and heroes who were willing to shed their blood for Vietnam. We will keep faith with them.

When Communism has long ebbed away into the past, my people will still be here, a free united nation growing from the deep roots of our Vietnamese heritage. They will remember your help in our time of need. This struggle will then be a part of our common history. And your help, your friendship, and the strong bonds between our two peoples will be a part of Vietnam, then as now. 

Added 11/14/96

Cố Tổng Thống Ngô Ðình Diệm


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Bài Thơ Nỗi Lòng - Chí Sĩ Ngô Ðình Diệm (Trần Việt Yên)

Vấn Ðề NÐD được cử làm Thủ Tướng (HNT & TTNÐ)
TT Ngô Ðình Diệm: Thử thách đầu tiên (HNT & TTNÐ)
TT Ngô Ðình Diệm: Giai đoạn cực kỳ gây cấn (HNT & TTNÐ)
TT Ngô Ðình Diệm: Tái thiết miền Nam (HNT & TTNÐ)

Vòng Hoa Tưởng Nhớ (Trương Phú Thứ)
Cái Chết của TT Ngô Ðình Diệm (Aladin Nguyen)
Cuộc đảo chánh ám sát TT Ngô Ðình Diệm (Aladin Nguyen)

Phỏng vấn hai cựu tướng Khiêm và Xuân
Bài học từ một sự tuẫn tiết (TS Lâm Lễ Trinh)
Bốn mươi năm ngậm ngùi (Trương Phu' Thứ)
Cầu nguyện với Cố TT Ngô Ðình Diệm (Phan Thiết)
Về những đàn anh lớn (Nguyễn Tường Phong)

Phản Tướng - Bọn ác ôn côn đồ (Tú Gàn)
Những bí mật được tiết lộ sau 40 năm (Tú Gàn)
Những Giờ Ðịnh Mệnh (Tú Gàn - Sài Gòn Nhỏ)

Bốn mươi năm sau tỉnh hay mê (BS Nguyễn Tiến Cảnh )

CS nghĩ sao về Cố TT Ngô Ðình Diệm? (BS Tôn Thất Thiện)
Nghĩa Biển Tình Sông - (Hoài cảm của Trần khắc Kính)



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Liberation - Giải Phóng


Tưởng Niệm CHT Sở Bắc

Tiễn biệt Cố Đại Tá Ngô Thế Linh

Biệt Hải - Sở Phòng Vệ Duyên Hải

Nha Kỹ Thuật QLVNCH

Lịch Sử Nha Kỹ Thuật

Hoạt động của BK Sở Bắc tại Bắc Việt

Paradise island (Cù Lao Chàm)

Hoài cảm của T.70

Trường Võ Khoa Thủ Đức

Oan hồn trên xứ Huế - Mậu Thân 1968

Tổng Thống Ngô Ðình Diệm
Tổng Thống Nguyễn Văn Thiệu
Tưởng niệm Cụ Trần Văn Hương

 Thiếu Tướng Nguyễn Khoa Nam

Thiếu Tướng Phạm Văn Phú
 Chuẩn Tướng Lê Văn Hưng

Chiến Dịch Vinh Danh Lá Cờ Vàng

Thuyền Nhân Tỵ Nạn Cộng Sản

50 Năm Tội Ác Cộng Sản (html)

A life for Freedom and Democracy

TAPS - Colonel Ngô Thế Linh

Sea Commandos - Coastal Security

Strategic Technical Directorate

History of Strategic Technical Directorate

Paradise island (Cù Lao Chàm)

Sacred Sword of the Patriots League

Presidential Unit Citation for SOG

An ARVN Hero by T.70

Thu Duc ARVN Military Officer Academy

Viet Cong "Strategy of Terror"

President Ngo Dinh Diem (54-63)

President Nguyen Van Thieu (67-75)

VN Coastal Raiders part 1, part 2, part3

The Lost Commandos (MACV-SOG)

MACV-SOG Commandos (RT Idaho)

Campaign for the Vietnamese Yellow Flag

Boat People tragedy

50 Years of VN Communist Crimes

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