Long Live Việt Nam
Cố Tổng Thống Ngô Đ́nh Diệm
Một Ḷng V́ Nước V́ Dân
View President Ngo Dinh Diem guestbook
visited President
Ngo Dinh Diem page
Buddhist flag incident - US involvement - Coup General
Phone conversation: President Diem and Ambassador Lodge
A rebutal of Edwin E. Moise's view on President Diem
CIA Director William Colby, an Oral History (Interview)
1954 Letter from President Eisenhower to President Diem
1961 Letter from President Diem to President Kenndy
1962 Letter from President Kennedy to President Diem
Emperor Bao Dai and President Ngo Dinh Diem
CIA judgments on President Kennedy and President Johnson
on overthrowing President Diem and to go "BIG"
Name: The He Tre
City: USA
Sent: 01-May-2006 03:24 AM
Tôi là con cháu Dân Việt, tôi là h́nh ảnh của thế hệ nh́n thấy cha ḿnh c̣ng lưng và bỏ xác trong nhà tù cộng sản, nh́n thấy mẹ ḿnh lom lũ với ruộng đồng nương rẫy, tôi đứa con đói rách của mẹ của đất nước, ước ǵ được nh́n thấy cha ḿnh trở về đoàn tụ cùng gia đ́nh, ước ǵ được nh́n thấy Tổng Thống Diệm c̣n đó, mong ước sẽ một ngày có kẻ thay ông làm nên việc. Chính phủ Mỹ sài sễ dân Việt, hỡi các bạn trẻ hôm nay ơi!!! Hăy cùng linh hồn Ngài về xây dựng lại quê hương! Cảm ơn trang web site đă cho tôi đôi phút thân trầm về xứ việt.
Name: Nguoi Tre Yeu Nuoc
City: USA
Sent: 01-May-2006 03:22 AM
Quê Hương Việt Nam thân Yêu ôi! Máu đă chảy trong ḷng con dân Việt Quên hận thù xoá tên kẻ thù Đánh một trận lưu truyền cho sữ thế Kẻ bạo tàn cộng sản ngóc nghếch Chỉ biết ca là đuổi được thực dân Rồi chia đất chia phần đổi chát 2 triệu người vượt biển t́m tự do 2 triệu người chết trong đói rách Những tên giặc thối tham ô bạo quyền Đế Quốc Mỹ mang quân y viện Nào ai biết chỉ lợi về họ thôi Hàng trăm ngàn đứa Con Lai nọ Là kết quả của sự hăm hiếp ấy Trên thân xác phụ nữ dân Việt Ai sẽ làm chứng, ai c̣n làm chứng? Cả một lủ tranh giành quyền lực Dân than khóc phụ nữ cưỡng dâm Xác cha tôi trong nhà tù cộng sản Lợi nước lợi danh hay lợi quyền? Xác Tổng Thống máu loan thành Hồ Thế hệ tôi trong đói rách đau khổ Người mù chữ, kẻ thiếu cơm ăn Tôi căm hờn v́ chủ nghĩa Mac-Le Nay Tổng Thống Diệm khuất bóng Căn nhà kia như thiếu chủ trông nhà
Name: morning sun
City: USA
Sent: 30-Apr-2006 08:01 AM
We are sorry that you are gone and miss your leadership for our country. We will remember what you said and did for your people. God bless you.
Name: Tuan Le
Sent: 28-Apr-2006 07:01 AM
Kính cẩn nghiêng mình trước hương linh Cụ Ngô Đình Diệm. Kính thưa quí vị, nếu quí vị muốn biết thêm rõ hơn về Cụ Ngô, những đức tính cao quí của Cụ xin quí vị tìm đọc cuốn "Nhớ lại những ngày ở cạnh Tổng Thống Ngô Đình Diệm" của Cựu Trung tá (hay Đại tá)Nguyễn Hữu Duệ. hồ chí minh không đáng để so sánh với Cụ Ngô Đình Diệm.
Name: Francis Tran
Homepage: http://3084 Keith Bridge Road
City: Cumming, GA. 30041
Sent: 25-Apr-2006 08:53 PM
I lost my family in North Vietnam, in 1954 when I was four year old. In 1963, I lost A Great Hero, The First and The Last President of Republic Of Viet-Nam, in my heart and my soul, Mr. Ngo-Dinh Diem ! My Only President was killed by his servers ( the self promoted generals ) paid by American Government, our friend! How bitter! What kind of friend is that! That big lost led to another lost....In 1975 I lost the second part of my Beloved Mother Land. Along the path of my manhood, I can afford to loose many things. But I can not live my own live without My Mother Land....
Name: Nguoi Tre?
City: SJ, California
Sent: 13-Apr-2006 12:52 PM
Con sinh sau de muon, Hien nay con chi la sinh vien va chi duoc biet Ngai qua hinh anh, cau chuyen qua Ong Ba, Cha Me va nhung bai viet cua nhieu nguoi ve viec lam cua Ngai cho dan toc minh; moi khi nghi den Ngai, con that dau buon biet bao cho Ngai va cho dan toc kho dau cua minh. Rieng con van cau nguyen cho Ngai va Mr. Nhu; con van luon ghi ta^m loi Ngai da noi: "Khi toi tien thi tien theo thoi, khi toi lui thi ban toi, Neu toi chet thi tra thu cho toi." ....Con se no^'i chi' cua Ngai tren que huong than yeu cua minh.....thoi diet vong cua CSVN da den gan lam roi....
Name: T. Ngo
City: Fremont, CA
Sent: 06-Apr-2006 05:30 PM
Ton kinh va tuong nho co Tong Thong muon doi!
Name: Doan Hong-Hue
Homepage: http://385 Euclid Ave
City: Oakland, CA 94610
Sent: 01-Apr-2006 10:56 AM
Kinh thua quy ong ba, co bac, anh chi em: Con ten la Hong-Hue. con muon xin ghi danh vo Memorial Guestbook cua Cuu Tong Thong Ngo Dinh Diem. Kinh thu, Hong-Hue
Homepage: http://OHIO
City: USA
Sent: 25-Mar-2006 09:31 AM
Sent: 21-Mar-2006 07:07 PM
Name: Mai
City: Garden Grove
Sent: 05-Mar-2006 04:35 PM
Long Live Viet Nam--Da dao CSVN!
Name: Quan Tran
City: Fountain Valley, CA., USA
Sent: 24-Feb-2006 03:55 PM
Việt Nam Cộng Ḥa Muôn Năm. Đă đảo CSVN tay sai của Nga Tàu.
Sent: 09-Feb-2006 09:44 PM
thoi ky viet-minh (1945) ong than-sinh toi bo gia-dinh di theo khang-chien va giu mot vai tro quan- trong trong nganh giao-duc ,duoc ong ho-chi-minh dac- biet tin dung ,tren muoi nam hoat-dong ,nam 1953ong da tron khoi chien-khu (lien-khu 5)di bo duong rung de ve "tha`nh" tai-ngo voi gia-dinh o bac vi-tuyen . nam 1954 chia doi lanh-tho ,tuy gia-dinh da co doi song sung-tuc va on-dinh, khong muon di-cu vao nam,nhung ba toi da nhat quyet ,va ra quyet-dinh mot cach dut-khoat trong mot cau noi don-gian va ngan gon : "bo .bo het tat ca !song voi cong-san la mat het !" sau do ,ong da gay long tin tuong va phan khoi moi nguoi trong gia-dinh bang cau noi ma toi van ghi nho mai trong long (luc ay toi moi 14 tuoi) "hay vung tin rang : ong ngo-dinh-diem la nguoi dang tin-cay va co chinh-nghia ,mien nam se vung-manh!dung co lo!" ... vao dinh-cu tai mien trung cho den 75' vao phut cuoi ba toi co chay vao saigon de tim cach di ty-nan .vi gap kho khan ,va tuoi gia ong da phai hy-sinh o lai,va doc thuc cac con cai con tre tuoi phai tim cach ra di va lap lai cau noi cua nam 1954...va them cau noi day an ui :"biet dau viet-nam se co mot ngo-dinh-diem khac!" gio day dang o nuoc ngoai mot phuong troi vo-dinh ,tuong-lai mit-mo khac khoai doi cho mot ngay mai khong con cong-san tren dat nuoc nha,va mot tinh-than ngo-dinh-diem tai-sinh !...."ngay nao mot giac mo....!!!!"
Name: Tinhtu
Sent: 09-Feb-2006 03:15 AM
Rat mong cac nhan hao nhan si cung doan ket thanh lap HOI NGHI DIEN HONG trong do se trao giai thuong cho ca nhan hoac hoi doan co sang kien thuc te, kha thi de che do hien huu VN phai thay doi(1 cot lam chang nen non... Ca nhan khiem nhuong chung toi mong co dip se duoc du thi!!! Tinhtu
City: USA
Sent: 21-Jan-2006 04:12 PM
Name: Quoc Tran
City: Toronto, Canada
Sent: 01/31/2006 3:48:49pm
Awesome site. I've been looking for a site like this for a while now and finally stumbled upon this. Before, everything I read was contradicting whatever my dad, for example, the dualism of how President Ngo Dinh Diem was perceived. Keep up the good work. By the way, I don't mean to be blunt but eventhough these things will never be known by the public, God saw it all, and I'm sure that the strong-faith man is with the Lord now.
City: USA
Sent: 02-Jan-2006 03:11 PM
HO?I? O. BAN "DA TINH LANG TU" HANOI V.N Su phat-bieu cua ban da duoc it nhat 2 phuc dap roi .Toi xin gop them vai y kien tho thiem : Ban viet (nguyen -van):"thuc ra bon My co'ua lo`n gi` tha`ng na`y dau"... Qua thuc ban noi co sai gi dau! Toi hoan toan Dong-y (hay "Dong-chi") voi ban 100% o diem (bon My co ua lon gi thang nay dau) Chinh cai "KHONG UA" nay la mot niem hanh dien va cam-hung khon cung cua dan mien Nam ,va hau the chung toi doi voi che do cua Ong Ngo -dinh-Diem ,no da noi len tinh than Doc-lap,Bat khuat,khong le thuoc Ngoai-bang ,truyen-thong hao hung cua lich su dan toc Viet ! Neu Ong Diem cu "Goi da,bao van" ngoan ngoan nhu Ong Ho doi voi quan thay Lien-Xo va Trung Quoc Vi-dai !!!thi khoi phai co cai gi nen noi? Va neu cac Tuong lanh Dao chinh de loai bo Ong Diem vi Ong nay "tay sai" cua My ,"cong ran can ga nha" thi cai chet cua Ong Diem ,ma theo chinh chung toi no dung nghia "nhu con cho chet trong xe boc thep nhu ban da noi. Nay kinh,
Sent: 30-Dec-2005 12:19 PM
Tai sao phai la "ngo-dinh-diem" qua trinh lich -su cua dan toc viet da cho thay tinh-than quoc gia doc lap ( khong le thuoc ngoai bang)la ton tai lau ben,long dan bao gio cung muon duoc tu-do dan-chu. chinh vi diem nay ma trong giai doan dau ,da so danc chung toan quoc da ky-vong vao ong theo ong va ung ho ong,nhung sau cai chu nghia cong san cac-mac le-nin mao-trach-dong duoc trong vao dau cua dan viet,nguoi dan da thuc tinh va so sanh o.ho-chi-minh co khac gi vua le-chieu-thong dau? ve phan o.ngo-dinh-diem ,o the "chang dang dung" phai nghien ve khoi "de-quoc my" de duong dau voi c-s nhung voi tinh-than quoc-gia toi-thuong ong da khai sinh "phong-trao cach-mang quoc-gia" hop suc voi o.ngo-dinh-nhu chu-truong thuyet "nhan-vi can-lao " khong ngoai muc dich gay dung mot nuoc viet-nam co the che va ly-tuong ro rang ! vi tinh-than doc-lap,the thong cua quoc-gia o. da dam "cung dau" voi "de quoc my" de cuoi cung lanh so phan cua "con cho chet trong xe boc sat" (nhu ong ban da-tinh lang -tu hanoi da viet!!!) nguoi v.n voi mot tinh-than quoc-gia chan-chinh luon luon nghi quoc gia la toi-thuong (tren het) khong tho (theo) chu nghia ngoai bang nhu o. ho-c-minh (hoac bat cu mot ai.)cai chet (hi-sinh) nhu ong ngo-d-diem da noi len tinh than bat-khuay,hao-khi cua dan-toc viet. chinh vi the nen "tinh-than ngo-dinh diem " mai mai choi sang trong long nuoi dan quoc gia yeu nuoc. cho den ngan sau...
Name: R. Lagana
City: Detroit, Michigan
Sent: 30-Dec-2005 03:09 AM
Thank you for the tremendous amount of research conducted for you web site.
Name: "da vang"
Sent: 12/19/2005 3:26:05pm
Kinh goi O. Trinh hoi
Ngay 3/19/05 chung toi da cam thong long uu tu cua ca nhan O noi rieng va so nhieu quan chung noi chung ve nhung ngoi mo Ho Ngo tai vietnam bi bo quen!
Nay tin tuc moi nhat cho thay nhung hien tuong tot dep hon la mo bia co ten tuoi da duoc dung len, va cang ngay co nhieu nguoi thap phuong toi tham vieng va nhan khoi. Tuy co khich le va tu tu... chung ta khong the doi hoi nhieu voi che do CS ma chi hy vong "huu xa tu nhien huong" va tinh than NGO DINH DIEM se tu nhien phat trien va vuong len trong long nguoi VN Quoc gia chan chinh ! "Xin on tren phu ho chung ta"
Name: Larry Hadzima
City: Neillsville, Wisconsin
Sent: 11/02/2005 6:20:22am
Please pray for us Blessed President Ngo as we pray for you.
Name: David Pence
City: Mankato, Minnesota
Sent: 07-Oct-2005 08:31 AM
Thank you for this very good information from w colby. As an american and catholic (I am 58). I see that the most fundamental betrayal of the vietnamese was the assassination of Diem. I see this as primarily caused by ambassador lodge who was a serious anti catholic.
Name: Nam
City: Houston
Sent: 04-Oct-2005 09:10 PM
Tổng thống Ngô Đ́nh Diệm là vị anh hùng dân tộc của nước Việt Nam. Rất tiếc thương vị Tổng thống anh minh cùng gia đ́nh. Nam Houston 051004
Name: Nghiem Do
City: Dayton, OH
Sent: 13-Aug-2005 01:47 PM
Thành Kinh Ngưỡng Mộ một anh tài đức độ của đất nước, chí sĩ Tổng Thống Ngô Đ́nh Diệm. Toàn dân Việt Nam anh dung và thưc tâm yêu nước, yêu dân sẽ đời đời nhớ ơn Người, nhất là những người đă di cư bỏ đất Bắc đi vào miền Nam t́m tự do. Vị Tổng Thống đă chinh phục được ḷng kính nể của chính những kẻ coi Người là kẻ thù. Xin Ơn Trên phù hộ cho Người và cho dân tộc Việt Nam, không trừ bất kỳ ai, kể cả những người có ác cảm với Người. Tổng Thống Ngô Đ́nh Diệm Muôn Năm! Viet Nam Tự Do Bất Diệt!
Name: Tim Phan
Home Town: Toronto, Canada
Sent: Friday 06/10/2005 10:23:24am
I loved President Ngo Dinh Diem because he was a worthy Vietnamse President. It seemed he made some mistakes during his times as a president, however, he is a human being. I also admired his brother Ngo Dinh Nhu. I wish his family would survive and continue as a symbol of the Vietnamese patriotic nationalists. God saves all his family members.
Name: Chien Nguyen
Home Town: Charlotte, NC USA
Sent: Sunday 05/01/2005 8:20:17am
Lots of Americans still wonder, puzzle about Vietnam War, I wish if they could know better about President Ngo.
Name: Cat
Sent: Saturday 04/30/2005 8:26:24pm
Wow! I have learned a lot from this site. I like this site because it is in Vietnamese point of view not American. Other site just have Americans point of view in which i believe they have no rights to have such point of views and judgment. In school textbooks, American says that most vietnamese people disliked Diem. i believe that is not true because i asked my relatives and others viet around me and they all liked him. All i heard from others website is about Diem's cruelty in which i believe is not true. HOw did american people know that Diem was cruel while they did not live in VN. WE, Vietnamese, have the rights to judge about President DIem action as cruel or not because we live under his governing.
PS: I want to ask that the other day i saw this small clips of Diem speaches but now it is gone. Can u please post it back on this site.
Name: Tran Truong
Sent: Monday 04/25/2005 5:39:53pm
Mot nguoi anh hung cua que huong toi. NGO DINH DIEM muon nam.
A Hero for my Country. Ngo Dinh Diem forever.
Name: Con Dan Nuoc Viet
Sent: Monday 04/04/2005 7:33:17am
Toi Tien thi theo toi, Toi lui thi ban toi, Toi chet thi theo guong toi.
Xin cac ngai yen nghi, chung con nguyen hoc theo tam guong ngai de to diem cho Que Huong Dan Toc.Chi phuc vu Dat Nuoc va Dan Toc,khong hoc bay lam toi to cho ngoai bang,va nhat la khong the dung thu chu thuyet CONG SAN.
Ngo Dinh Diem muon nam = nga`n nam
Name: Tran, H
Home Town: USA
Sent: Thursday 03/31/2005 5:08:02pm
Name: Nick Ngo
Home Town: California USA
Sent: Monday 03/14/2005 10:29:38am
Nhin Su Phon Vinh cua cac quoc gia tren the gioi,nghi va xot xa cho con dan nuoc Viet. Com thi khong duoc No, noi thi khong duoc noi, day giay nhung bat cong va ap buc. Xin duoc tu gioi thieu voi tat ca nhung ai con hang luu tam den van mang cua Quoc Gia va Dan Toc, mot cuon sach sap duoc phat hanh ma chinh toi cung dang cho cua tac gia Truong Phu Thu (duoc chuyen ngu tu Phap Ngu sang Viet Ngu) Cuon sach duoc Ong Co Van Ngo Dinh Nhu viet vao nhung nam thap nien 50 "Thuyet Nhan-Vi". Cho den ngay hom nay khong ai co the phu nhan TU CACH va TAI LANH DAO cua Co Tong Ngo Dinh Diem cung cac em cua ong da tan tuy cong hien cuoc doi cho Quoc Gia, Dan Toc.
Ngo Dinh Diem, Ngo Dinh Nhu, Ngo Dinh Can, Ngo Dinh Luyen... Amen.
Name: MaDoanhDoanh
Home Town: Bellevue, WA
Sent: Saturday 01/29/2005 3:52:55pm
Although I am Chinese Vietnamese, Vietnam is my country where I was born and grown up under 2 regimes. My family did not participate in politics, eventhough my grandfather was an anticommunist. He did a lot of civil acts to help his community. On 01/11/63, although he knew that he would jeopardize his own and his family life by offering his residence for an overnight stay to Pres Diem and his brother before they headed to the Church Nha Tam and were assassinated. I don't know much how he ran the gvt but I know that he defended his country, did not want the US to have direct military control over his country, did not want to be a puppet for the US, and when the Coup happened he did not surrender mot cach hen ha nhu ong Thieu mot trong nhung nguoi trong ke hoach muu sat cua co Tong Thong Diem. Cu co co hoi di My and duoi su dan xep cua ong noi toi, Cu co the di qua Dai Loan mot cach an toan, nhung Cu da tu choi va noi rang Cu chi muong lam mot cong dan sau khi cuoc dao chanh and sau do di Nha Tho Cha Tam de cau nguyen and chiu nhuong chuc Tong Thong cho bon dao chanh.
Luc do toi con nho nhung toi van nho hinh anh cua Cu and moi lan toi di xem cine voi cha me, toi deu dung day and hat quoc ca and chao Tong Thong Ngo.
Toi rat lay lam hanh dien la gia dinh toi da cong hien cho nuoc VN and giup Co Tong Thong Ngo trong nhung cuoi cung cua ngai. Toi cung lay lam rat sot sa khi bon Cong San da dao mo cua ngai and ong Nhu de di chon o mot noi ngoai ngoai o Saigon voi mot mo bia khong ten ho hoang tan. Dieu rat buon la mot nguoi Ai Quoc, tan long cuu nuoc chong cong, khong chiu khuat phuc My va cho My chinh quyen nuoc Viet lai chet mot cach the tham va khong duoc chon cat mot cach trang nghiem. Rat la tiec thuong!!!!
Vive President Ngo feu!
Name: Jame Bond
Home Town: USA
Sent: Saturday 01/29/2005 7:45:06am
Hi! Mr. Ma Doanh.
1) Your Grand Father/Father and all the people support President Diem do
the Best things the their country and they're a part of it.
2) Did you know how president Diem and Nhu ran the South Viet Nam government?
They worked at least 16 hours every day and ate a rice with a little fish as big as your finger and when the governmenthave a meeting the people work for that team need to Borrow the chair....
They ran the South Viet Nam with the minimum depend on US.
History must remember all good and Bad things happened to our Freedom homeland and I wish everyone will learn the lesson from the mistakes.
Ngo Dinh Diem muon nam
Name: MaDoanhDoanh
Home Town: Bellevue, WA
Sent: Friday 01/28/2005 4:52:27pm
I'd like to express my deepest respect to President Ngo Dinh Diem. Just the night before the assassination, President Ngo and his brother Nhu were driven to spend the night at my home,in Cholon, the residence of a Chinese immigrant, Ma Tuyen who is my grandfather. Our life was changed since that coup d'etat. My grandfather was arrested so did my father. Our properties were seized and confiscated by the Minh government and we were chased out of the house while I was only 6 years old and my youngest brother who was 2 months old. Memories of my grandfather's good deeds and samaritan acts to the country to help his country fellowmen escaping from the Viet Minh at Mien Bac to settle in the South Vietnam were greatly admired by us. My grand father, and father both passed away but they are my heroes. MaTuyen's legacy will continue on as well as Co Tong Thong NGO, le president Ngo Dinh Diem feu, a patriot who never gave up in front of his enemies, who is forever loved and supported by his people.
Name: Le^ Song Thao
Home Town: Los Angeles , CA , USA
Sent: Saturday 01/15/2005 11:56:35am
NGÔ TỔNG THỐNG sử vàng ghi trang trọng
Gịng sử Việt ngàn năm đâu dễ kiếm ?!
Người TÀI HOA , lại nổi tiếng THANH LIÊM !
Xin kính cẩn nghiêng ḿnh trước vong linh vị cố tổng thống kính yêu cuả nhân dân và đất nước VIỆT NAM !
Người MỸ coi như đă thua trên mặt trận chống cộng Sản kể từ sau cái chết cuả TỔNG THỐNG NGÔ Đ̀NH DIỆM , không cần phải đợi đến năm 1975 .Đây là một BÀI HỌC về ḷng trung thành với BẠN BÈ !
Name: BS Lê Văn Sắc
Home Town: San Jose, California, USA
Sent: Wednesday 11/10/2004 8:21:37am
Tôi là người ở với Cộng Sản từ nhỏ, biết rơ Cộng Sản là bọn vô thần, vô tôn giáo, vô gia đ́nh và vô tổ quốc vi theo chế độ Cộng Sản th́ phải chấp nhận như thế. Do đó, tôi luôn ủng hộ TT Diệm, chế độ Cộng Ḥa và chủ nghĩa Nhân Vị mà ông đem về áp dụng tại Việt Nam và lập trường cương quyết chống cộng của ông. Tôi biết chắc rằng ông sẽ bị chết chỉ v́ ông là người Công Giáo làm TT trong một nước đa số là Phật Giáo (cũng như John F. Kennedy làm TT trong một nước đa số là Tin Lành)trong khi Cộng Sản luôn luôn t́m cách lợi dụng, khai thác ḷng tị hiềm nhỏ nhen của con người. Nhưng ông Diệm chết đi là một chuyện nhỏ, nhưng cả một dân tộc bị "chết theo" ông v́ Cộng Sản và những kẻ ngu dốt về chính trị mới là chuyện lớn... Không biết bao giờ quê hương mới "phục sinh" được sau cái chết 30-4-1975?
BS Lê Văn Sắc
Name: Lam
Sent: Saturday 11/06/2004 9:16:17am
Dau cho Cu Ngo Dinh Diem trong luc chap chanh co the pham mot vai sai lam (dieu nay kho ai tranh khoi vi nhan vo thap toan),Cu la vi Tong Thong cua Viet Nam Cong Hoa duoc hau het the gioi kinh ne vi Duc Do,Tai ba va Liem Chinh.Cung chinh vi Cu khong dong y de HK dem quan vao Mien Nam nen da bi am sat tham thuong va tu do Mien Nam nhu ran mat dau dua toi bien co dau thuong 30 thang Tu.Xin linh hon Cu linh thieng giup dat nuoc som thoat tu day cs,mang lai TU DO, THAI BINH,THINH VUONG.
Name: songhoaitien@yahoo.com
Home Town: Vietnam
Sent: Sunday 10/31/2004 9:04:41am
Dau cho Cu Ngo Dinh Diem trong luc chap chanh co the pham mot vai sai lam (dieu nay kho ai tranh khoi vi nhan vo thap toan),Cu la vi Tong Thong cua Viet Nam Cong Hoa duoc hau het the gioi kinh ne vi Duc Do,Tai ba va Liem Chinh.Cung chinh vi Cu khong dong y de HK dem quan vao Mien Nam nen da bi am sat tham thuong va tu do Mien Nam nhu ran mat dau dua toi bien co dau thuong 30 thang Tu.Xin linh hon Cu linh thieng giup dat nuoc som thoat tu day cs,mang lai TU DO, THAI BINH,THINH VUONG.
Name: Thanh Tu
Home Town: Fort Smith , AR 72908
Sent: Monday 10/04/2004 4:49:11am
Name: Joe
Home Town: Texas
Sent: Saturday 10/02/2004 5:05:40pm
Thanks for the excellent site. Although I am not a republican, I do think that Ngo Dinh Diem was the best President South Vietnam ever had (Phan Khac Suu may have been alright but was too old). After the under-handed murder of Diem, I think S. Vietnam was politically doomed. No one else ever had the courage and determination to win that Diem displayed. I also don't think his family was nearly as bad as many seem to think. I really liked Madame Nhu, if for no other reason than for always speaking her mind honestly - a rare thing for anyone close to politics!
Name: Theresa E. Carpinelli
Home Town: USA
Sent: Saturday 09/25/2004 4:04:32pm
Thank you for your tribute to President Ngo Dinh Diem. While reading an American History book written by a Catholic Historian, from a Catholic perspective, I was stunned to read of President Diem's devout Catholicism, and that his government had NOT, in fact, been the despotic, corrupt, dictatorial government our colleges and universities are teaching their students. I came across your site after doing a search on the internet to find out more information on President Diem. Your web-site was the only one, among many, that told the story of this honorable man like my Catholic History book.
I was a very small child in 1963, and so do not remember much about that era. And like most Americans, I learned in school a very biased view of "The Vietnam Era." But thanks to some honest Historians, and sites like yours, I can, 40 years after his death, learn more about a man whom I have come to greatly respect and admire as a true hero and champion of true freedom. It's a travesty that he, and his memory, have been so grossly calumniated. I am teaching my son the truth about President Ngo Dinh Diem, and may God rest his soul!
Name: Jame Bond
Home Town: San Jose, USA
Sent: Friday 08/27/2004 3:11:05pm
China will (Invasion) take over Viet Nam in less than 10 to 20 years later does not cost a bullet.
Be smart my brother. If the President Diem sold his people and country for US he not pay the price like that for his own life.Be smartOK??
I think,our country can not find any leadership like him (President Diem). Let 80 million Vietnamese people still in Viet Nam have soon can smell and taste the value of Freedom like every human around the world. I pray Mr PresidentDiem and his brother Nhu, help us to make that dream come true some day soon and sooner.
God bless you all my brothers and sisters who are still in my homeland.
Viet Nam forever, Ngo dinh Diem forever.
Name: Larry Hadzima
Home Town: Neillsville, Wisconsin
Sent: Wednesday 08/11/2004 3:54:57am
The person who entered the comments on Sunday, 8-8-04, is a prime example as to why getting the truth about President Ngo out to the young people of today is so important. This person has obviously been indoctrinated to their present point of view and apparently has no desire to know the truth. The only knowledge that many today have of the man (President Ngo) is what has been taught in college and high school classes that use the "propaganda" and false information compiled by the people who hated President Ngo because he would NOT sell out the Vietnamese people. Communist tactics at the time were to create a 'monster' by a method called "Ruf Mord" or murder of a reputation by Lenin. The art of 'hate propaganda' as Lenin described it is: "The wording (of our campaign against our political foes)is calculated to provoke hatred, disgust, contempt. The phrasing must be calculated not to convince but to destroy, not to correct the adversary's mistake, but to annihilate his organization and wipe it off the face of the earth."[Lenin, Collected Works, Vol.XII, pp.382-385.]
Many people (reporters, polititians) naively believed the hate mongering and willingly jumped on the bandwagon to destroy President Ngo without bothering to verify the things that were being implied. But enough. Keep up the good work. The truth will prevail.Larry Hadzima
Name: So Cao
Hometown: Oklahoma, United States
Sent: Thursday 08/05/2004 8:32:19pm
Name: Kenneth L Phan
Hometown: San Jose, CA
Sent: Friday 07/16/2004 0:23:19am
Name: Jame Bond
Hometown: USA
Sent: Thursday 12/04/2003 4:13:15pmTiec Thuong Dan Toc Viet Nam ngheo kho.
Thuong De da ban cho Dan Toc Viet Nam mot chanh nhan quan tu, ma the he Bo Me chung toi da khong biet gin giu va kinh trong nguoi. 40 nam sau Viet Nam van con la nuoc "NGHEO, DOT"nhat, nhi the gioi.
Day la nhung dieu ma toi da nghien cuu trong suot 10 nam ve Co Tong Thong Ngo Dinh Diem.
1) An com nguoi voi ca kho.
2) Sang lap truong Vo Bi Da Lat, de dao tao nhan tai cho dat nuoc.
3) Phu cap cho gia dinh cac Co Nhi Qua phu,vo con gia dinh cua cac Chien si da hy sinh cho dat nuoc.Chi nhung diem son nay, toi qua quyet Tong Thong Diem chac chan la mot nguoi cha "GUONG MAU"mot vi Tong Thong anh minh. Neu ngai con song chac mot dieu la Viet Nam da la mot con Rong A Chau roi. That tiec thuong cho dan toc Viet.
Con dan nuoc Viet nghin doi ghi nho nguoi va nhung Cong lao ma nguoi da lam cho que huong chung co, xin thien chua gin giu nguoi. Tiec Thuong
NGO DINH DIEM muon nam.
Name: Ngoc Truong
Hometown: Toronto, Canada
Sent: Saturday 11/29/2003 5:00:04pmYou and I witnessed the terrible destiny for a small country like Vietnam, the struggle to survive between communism and capitalism had not been easy. President Diem did the right things for his country, unfortunately he alone could not stop the betrayal of American governments and the group of "mercenaire" generals. At the end as we all have known so far, the fall of the South by the run away of the Americans. We Vietnamese never asked for their presence in my country. Look at Iraq right now.
Name: A Son of Dai Viet
Hometown: New York
Sent: 12.54 - wed 12 nov 2003I would like to express my sincere gratitude toward the website's great effort in accumulating various invaluable materials about the Vietnam War and many Vietnamese heroes, especially the late President Ngo Dinh Diem. May President Diem rest in peace and be embraced by love of his Christ. As many other Dai Viet sons and daughters, I wish President Diem happiness and free of suffering.
In my humble opinion, let me borrow a conversational excerpt between Mary Gimbel and President Kennedy to sum up what I think – I believe that many would feel the same way – about President Diem: “President Diem and Advisor Ngo Dinh Nhu were not dictators. Despite under extreme difficult situation, they did what best for their country!” The common mistakes that many scholars have in writing about President Diem are: (1) they use obsolete, biased, inaccurate, and dishonest information; and (2) they use hindsight without taking into account the circumstances that surrounded Vietnam at the time.
As more and more confidential materials have been disclosed by the US government, ARVN generals and officials, and even the Vietnamese Communist government, more light has gradually been shed to bring back the truth to many mysterious critical elements of the Vietnam War. For a long time, the truth about the Vietnam War has been ridiculously distorted by the US media, many former US high-ranking officials, the Vietnamese Communist government former, and sadly, ARVN officers and officials. Usually, there is only one common theme about the Vietnam War that has been played over and over again like an old broken record to justify why the US lost the war, to sooth the American guilt of killing women and children, and to impose blame onto the people of South Vietnam. This theme normally consists of three parts. First, the Vietnamese communists had a tremendous amount of will power to oust the foreigners that include the French, the Japanese and finally the Americans to gain back the sovereignty for the whole Vietnam. Second, all of the US administrations, from Roosevelt, to Kennedy, to Johnson, to Nixon, made many fatal mistakes and ill-advised decisions in NOT supporting such a patriotic genius like Ho Chi Minh, but instead supporting a religious-freak, incompetent, corrupted dictator Ngo Dinh Diem, and many incompetent and corrupted generals thereafter. The fact that Ho Chi Minh strongly believed in the US principle by paraphrasing the US Declaration of Independence in announcing his country’s proclaimed independence in 1945 and begged the Americans for support to oust the French colonialists proves that he was not a true communist at heart and that he openly denounced the control that the Soviet Union might have had upon his administration. He had to finally utilize his last resort by turning to the Soviet Union for support because he had been turned down by the Americans whom he had most admired. In addition, he cleverly played a delicate chess game with the big bully China to receive its support to gain back the independence for his people despite the constant threat reminiscent from the historical conflict and oppression by this neighbor that his motherland had had to endure for the past 1000 years. The reason why Ho Chi Minh declared the liberation of the south is because Ngo Dinh Diem broke the Geneva Agreement. Here goes the commencement of the Vietnam War. Finally, the US was the main player that fought the war. The South Vietnamese were indifferent about the war. The ARVN were highly corrupted and embarrassingly incompetent. As a result, the communists won.
Despite being agonized with anger and sadness, I feel very sorry for the naïveté and ignorance possessed by these so-called Vietnam War experts from the Western civilization. Among ourselves, we do know that they are lies. However, what good will it do in restoring the truth if our opinions are not widely voiced to the rest of world outside our community, especially in the Universities, newspaper, prestigious magazines such as Time, Newsweek, etc. The voice of the forgotten people – South Vietnamese in particular and Vietnamese who embrace freedom and democracy in general – has been suppressed for a long period of time. It is now the time for us, young and old, to step up. We all must provide more encouragement and less criticism to the people who intimately participated in the Vietnam War to come forward with more evidence about the Vietnam War. With the guidance from the old generation and many disclosed information, we the younger generations will speak out to restore the truth that our parents, brothers, and sisters did not have a chance to express. It is a struggle! It should start from every class room in the Universities and every article of a newspaper or magazine. We must generate more websites such as this one to provide more information to everybody. We must construct more literatures such as books and articles at least in both English and Vietnamese regarding the Vietnam War from OUR perspective. Many informative articles and books such as “Nhung Bi Mat Dang Sau Cuoc Chien Viet Nam” written by journalist Tu Gan and others should be translated, of course with the permissions from the copyright owners, into multiple languages such as English, French, etc. Moreover, we should also participate in the movie industry to provide the producers and directors with accurate information about the war and the South Vietnamese. Is there one single movie that recognizes the fact that the people of South Vietnam DID fight the war too? We have been non-existent in the eyes of the US media. If Hollywood was kind enough to include these people, it portrayed them as cowards, murderers, and indifferent and incompetent corruptors. To name a few movies, “Platoon,” “A Bright Shining Lie,” “Heaven and Earth,” “We Were Soldiers Once,” “A Quiet American,” etc. “Con Rong va Chau Tien” will definitely make a great comeback. I have no doubt that our people possess great talents. I strongly suggest that once we as the first generation of Vietnamese Americans have settled in, we should encourage our second generation and the younger first generation to diversity their educational background by exploring other fields outside technical domain such as medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, and engineering. It is a practical matter that without a technical background the Asian Americans in general will have many remarkable hurdles to overcome in gaining a spot for themselves in this relatively democratic society. However, things have changed. There have been more and more Asian Americans holding high-ranking positions in the governmental jobs. Thus it is a delicate balance that parents must examine in order to foster success for their children yet still retain the love for their Vietnamese people and country.
Long live Dai Viet!
Name: Han
Hometown: Belleville, NJ
Sent: 19.15 - tue 11 nov 2003Xin duoc man phep gop y them cho website nay, quy vi co the tham khao them tai lieu ve Tong Thong Diem va ong co van Nhu qua bai viet cua ky gia Tu Gan cua bao Sai Gon Nho, sach cua dai ta Nguyen Huu Due "Nho lai nhung ngay o canh Tong Thong Diem" , qua mot so hoi ky cua cac vi tuong lanh de cho doc gia biet them ve vi Tong Thong mot doi vi nuoc quen minh nay. Mot so khen va che nhung nhin chung khong ai choi cai duoc rang Tong Thong la nguoi yeu nuoc va vi dan nen moi bi tham sat boi mot so tuong lanh tham tien hen ha. Xin cam on vi nhung tu lieu cua quy vi da cho toi biet them ve Tong Thong Diem.
Name: Nhat Dinh Ngo
Hometown: USA
Sent: Sunday 11/02/2003 7:07:46pmDung 40 nam sau ngay Tong Thong Ngo Dinh Diem va co Van ngo Dinh Nhu, 80 trieu nguoi dan Viet Nam van chua co quyen Tu do toi thieu cua mot con nguoi. Nhan ngay gio thu 40 cua ngai, xin ngai hay phu ho cho dat nuoc Viet nam som co duoc Tu do va dan Chu, tat ca con dan nuoc Viet com no ao am.
"Khong gi qui hon mieng com manh ao"
NGO DINH DIEM muon nam.
Name: Tong T Le
City/Country: San Jose, Santa Clara
Sent: Sunday 10/12/2003 3:15:04pm
Name: JameBond
City/Country: USA
Sent: Sunday 10/12/2003 3:15:04pm11/1/1963 - 11/1/2003 Ky niem 40 nam, bat dau nhung chuoi ngay den toi nhat cua dan toc Viet keo dai cho den bay gio. Chung ta da hoc duoc nhung gi??
1) Dan Toc Viet Nam da mat di mot vi Tong Thong duc do nhat, co du tu cach va tai nang de dua con tau VN sanh vai cung nam chau,dem lai to do hanh phuc cho con dan nuoc Viet.Cau xin ngai hay phu ho cho dan Viet som thoat khoi ach thong tri cua loai "Qui do"(Cong San Viet Nam).
2) Hiem hoa "Tau Do"(Cong San Trung Cong) se thon tinh Viet Nam trong 10 den 20 nam toi. Ngo Dinh Diem da nam xuong nhung tinh than Ngo Dinh Diem van con day....Tinh than Ngo Dinh Diem van con day va mai mai truong ton.
3) Cung xin ngai hay tha thu cho nhung ten truc tiep hoac gian tiep nhung tay vao viec tham sat Tong Thong va Co Van sau 40 nam nhung nhan vat ay chac phai hoi han nhieu chang han nhu Duong van Minh, Tran Thien Khiem, Nguyen Khanh, Nguyen Van Thieu, Nguyen Cao Ky, Nguyen Van Quang, Ton That Dinh, Mai Huu Xuan, Tran Van Don......ho that tam thuong, Dollars co the mua duoc ho mot cach qua de dang, hay nhin Taiwan, S.Korea, Phillippine....van con cho toi ngay hom nay????
4) Cong San phai ra di tra lai Tu Do, Dan Chu cho Toan con dan Nuoc Viet. Xin ngai hay phu ho cho chung con vuot duoc chong gai va hoan thanh tam nguyen cua nguoi.
"khong gi qui hon,mieng com manh ao"
Viet Nam Muon nam
Name: Thong Tran
Sent: 17.25 - sun 26 oct 200311/2/2003. 40 years of mourning for a good president. I had not been born when president Diem was murdered, but I am so proud that Vietnam has a president who stood up for the independence of our country. If president Diem' life was not cut short, Vietnam would be strong, rich, democratic country. We would not yield land, and sea to China.
ngodinhdiem.html: Next week 11/2/2003 is the 40th anniversary of President Ngo Dinh Diem's death. I am looking for a web site that dedicates a memorial service to a great president who gave his life for Vietnam. I found it here. In addition, I am grateful for Mr. Ngo The Linh and his service to our country, for his loyalty to a great leader.
Name: Richard Hayes
City/Country: Danvers, MA, USA
Sent: Sunday 10/12/2003 3:15:04pmI know President Diem was a man of heroic virtue. He was betrayed and murdered by those who stood as his friends. Diem’s life is a testament to the eternal struggle between good and evil in which he was a major figure. May God have mercy on us all in the Western world for having escaped –thus far – the scourge of communism.
Name: N. Ngo
City/Country: USA
Sent: Tuesday 09/23/2003 7:12:07amThank you for a well compiled page for the President.
I hope that you could add more pictures of his activities, especially his attention to urban and housing development.
Name: Hoang Van Vui
City/Country: USA
Sent: Monday 07/07/2003 11:15:49pmToi nguyen lam theo loi nguyen cua Tong Thong o bat cu noi nao, luc nao neu co the.
I promise to fulfill our President's wishes anywhere and at any time if I could.
Name: Andy Vu
City/Country: Australia
Sent: Monday 07/07/2003 3:18:46pmRat cam dong khi nhin lai hinh anh cua Co Tong Thong NGO DINH DIEM.
I am deeply moved to see the pictures of the late President NGO Dinh Diem again.
Name: Tien Thanh Le
City/Country: US
Sent: Wednesday 06/25/2003 10:08:09amXin tưởng niệm và luyến tiếc một nhân tài đất nước.
Paying respect and remembering our national hero.
Name: Victor Tolentino
City/Country: Canada
Sent: 6.29 - Sun 20 April 2003Your website have painted the "other side" of President Ngo Dinh Diem that the administrations of Kennedy, Johnson and Nixon have covered up all these years. A whole lot of mis-informed people, especially those who were born after the Vietnam War will realize the true Ngo Dinh Diem. Hurrah and more power!
Name: Dr. Carlos Diaz Lujan
City/Country: POB 2, Miami, Florida 33135-0002
Sent: 6.22 - Sun 6 April 2003Thank you for providing an accurate picture of the great South Vietnamese President Ngo Dinh Diem. Twelve years and 58,000 American deaths after President Diem's brutal assassination, the Communists, with the Soviet Union's and Red China's aid, invaded South Vietnam, slaughtering tens of thousands and enslaving the entire Southeast Asian nation.
While all this took place, US President Gerald Ford stood idly by and did absolutely nothing, thus betraying the South Vietnamese people and all of the Americans soldiers who fought and/or died believing they were sent to Vietnam to defend freedom. History proved that they were shamelessly used as canon-fodder for the benefit of the US armaments industry, the Federal Reserve banksters and well-connected government contractors who profited beyond imagination from the war. Bush's current war against Iraq is a new and improved version of the same scam and fraud against the American people.
As an anti-Communist Cuban-American, I propose we stand together in defense of Faith, Family and Freedom.God bless Vietnam and our betrayed and persecuted Vietnamese Catholic brethren.
Name: Joe Wagner
City/Country: United States
Sent: 16.40 - Thurs 3 April 2003Thank you for providing an authoritative defense of President Diem from all the frivolous accusation, repeated over and over again until one would think that his detractors had been hypnotized. However, I urge all of Diem's supporters not to go blaming the United States for his death. Kennedy was an embarassment to this nation and I think his betrayal of Diem was just one of his wrongdoings.
The only reason so many Americans supported his overthrow was that they were lied to by the communist propaganda machine and the supposed "protest" suicides. Most Americans these days think it would have been a better idea to stick in the war, and a great amount of respect is given to Vietnam Veterans.
In any case, the truth needs to come out, especially when so many people accept uncritically what their teachers tell them.
Name: Kent Nguyen
City/Country: Hayward, USA
Sent: 22.09 - Mon 10 mar 2003Thank you for providing this webpage. I was misinformed in my history class in high school about the eventual assination of Ngo Dinh Diem. My dad repetitive told me about the US coup to get Diem. Unfortunately, I was blinded by the patriotism I had for this country, I did not realize we (USA) -- speak loosely -- would do such a thing when a man like Diem is faithfully strong and committed to seeing his people be freed of oppression.
Finding the truth has been the biggest embarassment of my life. As much as I am educated, I am still blinded by the one sided view by the American education system. It is something impossible to filter propaganda from facts and to provide a full reasonable view of the whole situation, but as a person, with time, the casuality that have been lost is worth our devoted days and nights to rationalize. And to my dad ... I know he may not read this but I am truly sorry for the remarks I made because of my one-sided view.
Thank you for this truly magnificent website, you have opened up my mind.
Name: Myrna Tull
City/Country: Carlyle, IL U.S.A.
Sent: 16.06 - thurs 27 feb 2003Thank you for providing this page. I am deeply ashamed of this part of my country's history. I am even more ashamed that until yesterday, I had never heard anything about President Ngo Dinh Diem. American history classes pick and choose what is taught, leaving out the dark and ugly side of our history.
Name: Nguyen Canh Van
City/Country: Falls Church , VA, USA
Sent: 10.23 - sun 23 feb 2003I never forget the day our first President was murdered,
the sky suddenly turned to dark and then thunderstorms and heavy rain came;
my father told me that our country just lost a good President.God bless Vietnam and my beloved people; I pray to God that one day Vietnam and my people will live in freedom, justice and prosperity.
Name: Vietnamese boy
Sent: 05.52 - tue 18 feb 2003What a wonderful our ex-president NGO DINH DIEM was!!!
If he is still alive & rule our country... Maybe we would be in good shape...(I think)
I'm also grateful for many, many died for our country as Diem's side.
Name: Jade Cheng
Country: United States
Sent: 14:20 mon 17 feb 2003Even though I'm Chinese, I admire him greatly. He was a great man.
Name: Huynh minh Hue
Country: Belgium
Sent: 9:43 mon 3 feb 2003Khi Tổng thống Ngô đ́nh Diệm bị lật đổ tôi mới có 10 tuổi, nhưng tôi vẫn nhớ những ngày trước đó cuộc sống của cha mẹ tôi, cũng đầy đủ, mặc dù ba tôi chỉ là 1 thư kư kế toán ở nha thương cảng Sài G̣n, gia đ́nh đông con do ba tôi có 2 vợ. Tôi c̣n nhớ những lúc ba tôi dẫn anh em chúng tôi đi xem triển lăm thắng lợi phẩm thu được từ việt cộng, hay xem triển lăm kinh tế ở vườn Tao Đàn sau đó đi ăn ḅ bảy món ở Phú Nhuận. Tôi nhớ hoài những ngày tháng êm đềm của thời thơ ấu dưới chế độ của Tổng thống Diệm, tôi thường mơ ước trở lại những ngày thơ mộng đó.
Nhưng bất hạnh cho Việt Nam là bên cạnh Tổng thống Diệm có thêm những người như ông Nhu, với bà Nhu và ông Thục đă làm mất ḷng dân để cho Mỹ lợi dụng lật đổ Tổng thống Diệm. Tôi nghĩ nếu không có những người này, hay là Tổng thống Diệm là phật tử trong đất nước VN đa số theo phật gia, hoặc là đa số dân VN là Thiên Chúa Giáo như Phi luật tân với Tổng thống Diệm là công giáo, th́ lịch sử VN đă đổi khác.
Nói tóm lại tôi luôn luôn luyến tiếc, hoài niệm về giai đoạn do Tổng thống Diệm lănh đạo và luôn luôn kính trọng Tổng thống Diệm.
When President Ngo Dinh Diem was assasinated I was only 10 years old. But I still remember in those days our life was happy and we had enough, even though my Dad was only a secretary at Saigon Sea Port and we have a big family with many children from my Dad’s two wives. I remember the times when Dad took us to see the exhibit of weapon captured from the Viet Cong, or the economy exhibition at Tao Dan public park, then we all went for the seven-coursse of beef dinner in Phu Nhuan. I always remember these happy days of my childhood under the regime of President Diem, and I often dream going back to those happy days.
Unfortunately for Viet Nam, next to President Diem were people like Mr. Nhu, Madam Nhu, and Mr. Thuc, their actions caused the lost of support from our people and gave the CIA the mean to stage a coup d’etat to depose President Diem. I think if these people were not around, or President Diem were a Buddhist in a nation where the majority of people are Buddhists, or the the majority of people are Catholic like Phillipine with President Diem as a Catholic, then the History of Vietnam might have been different.
In brief, I always yearn for and remember the good time when President Diem was the head of our country, and I always respect President Diem.
Name: Patrick Latimer
City/Country: Virginia
Sent: 13.09 mon 20 jan 2003A Great man and a Great Patriot.
Name: James F. Hanlon
City/Country: Sterling, Virginia USA
Sent: 9:49 thurs 16 jan 2003Thank you for a necessary and truthful website. As many others who have signed this guestbook, I too know members of President Diem's family. I have done an undergraduate thesis on his government, and am compiling material for a future book. President Diem and the Ngo family have been maligned by a small group of individuals seeking to rationalize actions taken in South Vietnam. I would be happy to correspond & share information with anyone desiring to do so. President Diem, and the entire Ngo family were good people trying to cope with an impossible situation. Their murders were a literal tragedy.
Name: Daniel E. Teodoru
Hometown: New York
Sent: 13.53 - sat 4 jan 2003Those of us who experienced Communism in all its forms and its basic unitary evil, and then saw in Vietnam a chance to struggle for the victory of freedom, lost once again in 1975, can now mobilize for the battle of historic truth. Now our chance of victory in the name of truth is possible as we study the documents and leave our mark in an explanatory history of what happened.
Only through our devotion to the well-being and freedom of the Vietnamese people could we earn the right to attempt understanding of what happened and why. Only by caring for the Vietnamese, as much as we cared for our own can we achieve a feel for their history, their plight and their strength. We may be aging but our experiences will never fade.
The dead are calling on us to devote ourselves to understanding why:
purity of motive-- as in the case of President Diem-- lost
and commitment to slavishly follow the models of evil-- Stalinist and Maoist Communism-- won, as in the case of Ho Chi Minh, Truong Chinh, Giap, Thanh and Le Duan.
Yet, the end is clear: the evil ones also come face to face to be judged by the same Creator of us all as we do. Let our honoring of the dead through dedication to truthful rendition of their history bathe away all our sins and theirs, vindicating them and us.
We must make others understand, despite the veil of lies and deceptions that to this day cloud the history of Vietnam's struggle with Red evil, that the massive shelves of Vietnam War histories sorely need revision. Consider the Internet a weapon given us by God to strike blows for truth against falsehoods. No academic shame will stop us from respectfully honoring the dead with truth and understanding. We are all obligate historians now!
Name: Ngo Dinh My Khanh
Hometown: Denver, CO USA
Sent: 09.23 - Sat 04 jan 2003Hey! years and years I've been embarassed of telling people my name. (I'm 14 today) One day, I sat with my grandpa, talking about how I got my name. My grandpa told me that he named me. He told me a story about Ngo Dinh Diem, that I found very interesting.
If I traced back to my family roots, back and back and back, I would find that I'm related to Ngo Dinh Diem. I found out that he was the President of Vietnam and all that stuff. How Vietnam was a well populated country and stuff like that. Anyways, after he died, Vietnam became more poor and they were losing lives. People began to starve, and had no shelter.
So, I take this time to honor my family name because Mr. Ngo Dinh Diem was an incredible man!!!
Name: Quang Phan
Hometown: Canada
Sent: 18.34 - Tues 31 dec 2002Xin kính cẩn nghiêng ḿnh trước vong linh cố Tổng Thống Ngô Đ́nh Diệm, một vị Tổng Thống tài ba, lỗi lạc, liêm khiết, hết ḷng v́ nước v́ dân. Lịch sử Việt Nam sẽ muôn đời ghi nhớ Tổng Thống Ngô Đ́nh Diệm như một anh hùng dân tộc.
Quang PhanPaying respect to our late President Ngo Dinh Diem, a great President who was well-known, honest, not self-serving, dedicated his life for our country and our people. Vietnam history will record and always remember President Ngo Dinh Diem as our Nation’s Hero.
Name: Dinh Le
Hometown: San Jose, CA
Sent: 22.13 - sun 15 dec 2002Vô cùng thương tiếc TT Ngô Đ́nh Diệm. Xin Cụ phù hộ nước Việt thoát khỏi ách cộng sản.
Mourned the lost of President Ngo Dinh Diem. May your spirit continue to guide and watch over us for Vietnam to be free of communist oppression.
Name: Tran Ba Cuong
Hometown: Canada
Sent: 18.49 - tue 26 nov 2002Rất cảm động khi thấy có một web page như thế này cho TT Diệm. Xin cám ơn rất nhiều các người đă chịu khó thực hiện. Với tôi, TT Diệm là người đáng kính trọng, đáng suy tôn v́ tấm ḷng yêu nước, yêu dân bao la của ông. Tôi nghĩ, trong một ngày rất gần, dân tộc VN sẽ viết lại trang sử công bằng để ghi công cho Người, và sẽ xây dựng những tượng đài, đặt tên Người cho những con đường trên quê hương chúng ta. Xin cảm ơn các bạn đă thực hiện trang web này. Kính.
I am touched to see this webpage for President Diem. Thank you webmaster for your work. To me, President Diem is one who deserved respect and rememberance because of his great love for our country and our people. I think, in the very near future, the Vietnamese will re-write our history to truly record his contribution, will build his statues and name many streets after him. Thank you for making this webpage. Respectfully,
Name: Vu Pham
Hometown: Canada
Sent: 17.38 - tue 26 nov 2002Cám ơn webmaster đă làm một website kỹ niệm cho vị anh hùng dân tộc. Chúng ta hăy nhớ cụ Diệm là một người yêu nước và phải noi gương cụ để sống.
Thank you webmaster for making this Memorial website for our National Hero. Let us remember President Diem as a true patriot and follow his example in our live.
Name: Nhut Hoang
Hometown: Chicago, Illinois
Sent: 17.45 - mon 25 nov 2002Thank you for sharing the true VNCH history! At last but not least to know about the real enemies. All we can say is deeply appreciation to President NGO-DINH-DIEM as well as those who fight for freedom! We the good Vietnamese citizen will never forget the help from the US and never remember dirty politicians who killed the innocent victims. Please have a warm heart to think of President DIEM, who is great world 's freedom fighter! Sincerely,
Name: Tran Van Tro
Hometown: Australia
Sent: 14.15 - wed 20 nov 2002Xin kính cẩn nghiêng ḿnh bái chào để bày tỏ muôn vàn tiếc thương với Vị Anh Hùng Dân Tộc, Người đă hiến trọn vẹn một đời hy sinh cho dân tộc Việt Nam thân yêu và chính nghĩa. Từ ngày Người phải oan ức nằm xuống vĩnh viễn, quê hương Việt Nam chưa được một ngày nào tươi sáng hơn! Số phận của Người đă gắn chặt với số phận bi thảm của cả quê hương dân tộc. Nếu không có thể chu toàn trọng trách với quê hương và dân tộc, Người đă sẳn sàng lấy mạng sống ḿnh để làm chứng cho ḷng thành của Người. Con nguyện một đời học đ̣i tấm gương oanh liệt của Người đă nêu.
Sống linh thác thiêng, xin anh linh Người độ tŕ cho quê hương và dân tộc Việt Nam sớm được hưởng thái b́nh hạnh phúc như nhiều nước văn minh của thế giới.
Respectfully paying tribute and show deep gratitude to our Nation’s Hero, the man who dedicated the entire life sacrificing for noble cause and our beloved Vietnam. Since the day you were unjustly betrayed and murdered, Vietnam has not had a brighter day! Your destiny is closely linked to our Nation’s sad destiny. Since you could not fulfill completely your responsibility for our Nation, you readily paid with your life to convey your patriotism. I promise to follow your heroic and brave example for the rest of my life.
A guiding light when you were alive, after death your spirit continues. I ask that your spirit always guide and help our people so that our country soon achieve the real peace and prosperity like other powers in the world.
Name: The Nguyen
Hometown: Irvine, CA92620
Name: Kevin Vu
Sent: 12.03 - mon 11 nov 2002Toi rat nguong mo Tong Thong Ngo Dinh Diem, Co Van Ngo Dinh Nhu va Dai Ta Le Quang Tung. Nhung trang nay con thieu them nhung chi tiet cua ong Ngo Dinh Nhu va Dai Ta Le Quang Tung. Xin quy vi dong gop them de nhung nguoi tre nhu toi hieu biet them. Xin cam on.
I admire President Ngo Dinh Diem, Advisor Ngo Dinh Nhu and Colonel Le QuangTung. These pages still lack information on Mr. Ngo Dinh Nhu and Colonel Le QuangTung. Please send in more info to contribute (to this website) so the younger generation like me can learn more about them. Thank you.
Name: Andy Ngo
Hometown: Phu Cam, Hue, Vietnam
Sent: 8:26:14pm Wed 11/06/2002Tôi biết về TT Diệm và cả Gia Đ́nh họ Ngô. Tiếc thương ông là người con có hiếu với mẹ; thương anh em và dân tộc VN. TT DIỆM xứng đáng cho chúng ta tôn thờ cả hôm nay cho tới mai sau .......
I know President Diem and the Ngo family. Mourning the lost, he was a devoted son to his Mother, beloved brother to his brothers and sisters, a patriot to Vietnam. President Diem should be honored and remembered today and for generations to come …
Name: Ngô Minh Hằng
Sent: 11.16 - thu 31 oct 2002
(Kẻ hậu sinh xin đốt nén hương ḷng tưởng niệm
nhân ngày giỗ Cố Tổng Thống Ngô Đ́nh Diệm,
vị Tổng Thống khả kính đầu tiên
của nước Việt Nam Cộng Ḥa)
Một ánh sao băng, tắt giữa trời
Giang sơn từ đấy tối thêm thôi!
Thương người nghĩa khí tàn cơn mộng
Tiếc bậc tài hoa úa mảnh đời!
Khinh bọn túi cơm, loài rắn rết
Giận phường giá áo, lũ đười ươi
Nếu không phản phúc, không tham vọng
Đất nước giờ đây hẳn kịp người!
Ngô Minh Hằng
Trích "Có Những Vùng Trời"
Name: Pham Quoc Thang
Sent: 23.40 - sat 26 oct 2002Every body dies, only their names live forever. The people who sabotaged the Ngo Dinh Diem government should never be forgiven.
Hometown: TOKOROA
Name: Duc-Minh
Hometown: Littleton
Sent: 00.11 - sat 21 sep 2002I was so glad that I saw this website! Presenting information to the whole world about what really happened in Vietnam. The world deserve to know the other side, the real side. Truely, Ngo Dinh Diem wasn't as repressive or as dictorial as many have believed. He had no other choice in protecting the freedom of his people. Thank you so much for the informative webpage.
Name: Martin Wingfield
Homepage: http://www.booksonvietnam.com
Hometown: Wigton (United Kingdom)
Sent: 07.21 - mon 29 jul 2002How different things might have been. Hundreds of thousands of lives would have been saved had Ngo Dinh Diem been left to govern his country without interference. Those irresponsible US journalists, who in 1962/63 just sent back the misleading 'Saigon' version of events in South Vietnam, were the catalyst that set off the three maverick White House officials to launch their ill-fated coup. Karnow, Sheehan, etc. have painted such a false picture of Ngo Dinh Diem for our history books. I only hope that one day the record will be set straight.
visited President
Ngo Dinh Diem page
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